About OBMT
Shalley Kim, Director
OBMT Mission
OBMT supports the HHS mission by identifying, developing, implementing, and evaluating efficient and effective business practices throughout the Department. OBMT acts as an internal consulting group to other parts of HHS, maximizing return on taxpayer dollars by undertaking initiatives to improve services, reduce costs, and streamline bureaucracy. Its projects are often team-based and cross-functional in ways that include staff from supported organizations.
OBMT offers expert consultation in the areas of business process re-engineering, organizational assessments, program and project management, change management, decision support, and procurement. OBMT also facilitates strategic and tactical planning for HHS organizations, including mission definition, goal and objective setting, and establishing meaningful metrics.
OBMT is also responsible for several HHS administrative functions. The office works with the HHS Divisions to fulfill the Department’s requirements for the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-270), which requires federal agencies to prepare and submit inventories of commercial activities performed by federal employees. OBMT also reviews and processes reorganization requests that require approval from the Secretary of HHS, as well as Secretarial delegations of authority. OBMT supports risk management, performance management, continuity of operations, Office of the Secretary reconstitution, and the quarterly operations report.