Provider Relief Fund General Information
General Distribution
Targeted Distribution
Trending FAQs (July 2021) - Reporting Requirements
Calculating Eligible Expenses and Lost Revenue
What is the maximum allotment of my organization’s Provider Relief Fund amount that can be allocated to lost revenues during the period of availability of funds? (Modified 7/1/2021)
There is not a maximum or minimum that can be allocated. Reporting Entities will see the reporting system asks for unreimbursed expenses attributable to coronavirus first in the overall use of funds calculation; it is possible for a Reporting Entity to enter “0”. Provider Relief Fund payment amounts not fully expended on unreimbursed health care-related expenses attributable to coronavirus during the period of availability are then applied to lost revenues. Lost revenues or expenses must only have been incurred during the period of availability correlating to the Payment Received Date as described in the June 11 Post-Payment Notice of Reporting Requirements.
For Option i and Option ii, lost revenues are calculated for each quarter during the period of availability, as a standalone calculation, with 2019 quarters serving as a baseline. For each calendar year of reporting, the applicable quarters where lost revenues are demonstrated are totaled to determine an annual lost revenues amount. There is no offset. Option iii provides maximum flexibility to providers by allowing providers to calculate lost revenues using an alternate reasonable methodology.
Can recipients use 2020 budgeted revenues as a basis for reporting lost revenues? (Modified 7/1/2021)
Yes. When reporting use of Provider Relief Fund payments toward lost revenues attributable to coronavirus, Reporting Entities may use budgeted revenues if the budget(s) and associated documents covering calendar year 2020 were established and approved prior to March 27, 2020. To be considered an approved budget, the budget must have been ratified, certified, or adopted by the Reporting Entity’s financial executive, executive officer or other responsible representative as of that date, and the Reporting Entity will be required to attest that the budget was established and approved prior to March 27, 2020. Documents related to the budget, including the approval, must be maintained in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
If a Reporting Entity has more lost revenue for a “Payment Received Period” than it received Provider Relief Fund payments for the same period, can that lost revenue be carried forward and applied against payments received during later “Payment Received Periods” and included in the lost revenues reported during later reporting periods? (Added 7/1/2021)
Yes. Provider Relief Fund payments may be applied to expenses and lost revenues according to the period of availability of funding. However, expenses and lost revenues may not be duplicated. Specifically, payments received may not be applied to the same expenses and lost revenues that Provider Relief Fund payments received in prior payment periods already reimbursed. The Payment Received Periods described in the June 11, 2021 Post-Payment Notice of Reporting Requirements determine the period of availability of funding and when reports are due.
If a Reporting Entity experienced quarterly patient care revenue losses during some, but not all, of the quarters during the period of availability of funds, may Provider Relief Fund payments be used to cover losses during those quarters only? (Added 7/1/2021)
Yes, lost revenues are calculated for each quarter during the period of availability, as a standalone calculation. Provider Relief Fund payments may be used to cover those quarters where patient care revenue losses occurred as long as those losses were attributable to coronavirus.
Are providers able to request extensions on submissions of their required reports for any of the required reporting periods? (Added 7/1/2021)
No. Providers that received one or more payments exceeding $10,000, in the aggregate, during a Payment Received Period are required to report in each applicable Reporting Time Period. Providers that are required to report and do not submit a completed report by the applicable deadlines will be deemed out of compliance with the program Terms and Conditions and may be subject to recoupment.
Are providers able to request extensions on the deadline to use funds? (Added 7/1/2021)
No. HRSA will not approve extensions on the use of funds for any providers. Any unused funds must be returned to the government following the relevant Reporting Time Period.
For additional assistance applying, please call the provider support line at (866) 569-3522; for TTY dial 711. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday.
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