Global Bidding & Assignment System

Filling overseas global public health vacancies with a specialized system for global recruitment.

Executive Summary

The current system to recruit, maintain, and deploy a specialized global public health workforce is not flexible enough to meet the expanding global mandates of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The Global Bidding and Assignment System (GBAS) is a specialized system for global recruitment, assessment, bidding, training, and assignment.

The pilot, launched in September 2015, is ongoing and assessing if GBAS can:

  1. Fill vacancies faster than the current system, decreasing the overall vacancy rate;
  2. Create a pool of qualified candidates, ready to deploy on long-term overseas assignments on short notice;
  3. Provide summer cycle deployments;
  4. Provide timely onward assignment options for staff currently serving overseas.

GBAS 2.0 expects to launch by September 2016 and include external applicants and promotions for federal staff. The team is working to secure HHS-wide integrated IT tools to manage the process from hiring through deployment, including: tracking applications, scheduling and implementing competency-based assessments, global program position registration, front-loading medical and security clearances, and bidding for, and paneling of, position assignments. These integrated tools should synchronize processes with USAStaffing, including training materials for users.

A project supported by the: HHS Ignite Accelerator, HHS Secretary's Ventures Fund

Team Members

Ginny Baresch, OGA (Project Lead)
Raymona Ramsey, CDC
Suzanne Theroux, CDC
Tina Harrison, FDA
Raymond Goldstein, HRSA


June 2015: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
July 2015: Time in the Accelerator began
September 2015: Time in the Accelerator ended
October 2015: Launched an HHS-wide pilot, the Global Bidding and Assignment System (GBAS)
March 2016: Project receives support from the HHS Secretary's Ventures Fund
September 2016: Expected launch date of GBAS 2.0

Project Sponsor

Ambassador Jimmy Kolker, HHS Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
John Gill, Chief Human Capital Officer, Office of Human Resources, Assistant Secretary for Administration

Additional Information

Contributing Partners: 

Marilyn Duffoo, CDC
Paris Bannourah, ASA
Janice Hiland, OGA
Tracy Hilliard, CDC
Jackie Smith, ASA
Nicole Cundy, CDC
Christine Jolley, CDC
Semico Parson, CDC
Victor Balaban, CDC
Winnie Mitchell, SAMHSA
Robbin Ruffner, CDC
Jacob Olivo, OGA
Ricky KingChing, FDA
CAPT Abnnah Forbes, CDC
Randi Bretous, FDA
Jack Spencer, CDC
Christopher Stallard, CDC
HR, Security, and Medical Teams from CDC, FDA, HRSA, NIH, CMS