There are lots of ways you can help protect your community from vaccine-preventable diseases. Check out our resources and ideas to help people learn about the importance of vaccines.
Spread the word with our ready-to-use resources
We make it easy to help people learn why vaccination is important with our credible, ready-to-use resources. Find videos you can embed on your website, graphics that are perfect for social media, and much more.
Share your story
The fact is most parents choose to vaccinate their children—but those stories don’t usually make headlines. You can help change that by sharing why vaccination is important to you! Use your personal website and social media accounts to talk about why you choose to protect yourself, your family, and your community from preventable diseases.
You can also add information about vaccines to local newsletters, school bulletins, or newspapers. Need talking points? Read about important reasons to vaccinate your child and yourself , as well as the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
Host community events
Help people get the information they need about vaccines by hosting an event in your community. You can ask a local doctor or nurse to lead a Q&A, share educational videos on recommended vaccines , and hand out materials for people to take home.