The HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has provided Bulletins, Notifications of Enforcement Discretion, Guidance, and Resources that help explain how patient health information may be used and disclosed in response to the COVID-19 nationwide public health emergency.
OCR HIPAA Announcements Related to COVID-19:
- HHS Issues Guidance on HIPAA and Audio-Only Telehealth - June 13, 2022
- OCR Issues Guidance on HIPAA, COVID-19 Vaccinations, and the Workplace - September 30, 2021
- OCR Announces Notification of Enforcement Discretion for Use of Online or Web-Based Scheduling Applications for the Scheduling of COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments - January 19, 2021
- OCR Issues Guidance on HIPAA, Health Information Exchanges, and Disclosures of Protected Health Information for Public Health Purposes - December 18, 2020
- Trump Administration Adds Health Plans to June 2020 Plasma Donation Guidance - August 24, 2020
- OCR Issues Guidance on How Health Care Providers Can Contact Former COVID-19 Patients About Blood and Plasma Donation Opportunities - June 12, 2020
- OCR Issues Guidance on Covered Health Care Providers and Restrictions on Media Access to Protected Health Information about Individuals in Their Facilities - May 5, 2020
- OCR Announces Notification of Enforcement Discretion for Community-Based Testing Sites During the COVID-19 Nationwide Public Health Emergency - April 9, 2020
- OCR Announces Notification of Enforcement Discretion to Allow Uses and Disclosures of Protected Health Information by Business Associates for Public Health and Health Oversight Activities During The COVID-19 Nationwide Public Health Emergency - April 2, 2020
- OCR Issues Bulletin on Civil Rights Laws and HIPAA Flexibilities That Apply During the COVID-19 Emergency - March 28,2020
- OCR Issues Guidance to Help Ensure First Responders and Others Receive Protected Health Information about Individuals Exposed to COVID-19 - March 24, 2020
- OCR Issues Guidance on Telehealth Remote Communications Following Its Notification of Enforcement Discretion - March 20, 2020
- OCR Announces Notification of Enforcement Discretion for Telehealth Remote Communications During the COVID-19 Nationwide Public Health Emergency - March 17, 2020
Notifications of Enforcement Discretion
- Notification of Enforcement Discretion for Use of Online or Web-Based Scheduling Applications for the Scheduling of COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments
- Criterio de aplicación en conexión con aplicaciones de planificación electrónica para la programación de citas para la vacunación contra el COVID-19 durante la emergencia de salud pública nacional por el COVID-19
- Notification of Enforcement Discretion for Community-Based Testing Sites
- Notificación de discreción para los centros comunitarios de pruebas
- Notification of Enforcement Discretion for Business Associates
- Notificación de discreción para asociados de negocios
- Notification of Enforcement Discretion for Telehealth
- Notificación de discreción para telemedicina
- Guidance on How the HIPAA Rules Permit Covered Health Care Providers and Health Plans to Use Remote Communication Technologies for Audio-Only Telehealth - June 13, 2022
- Guidance on HIPAA, COVID-19 Vaccination, and the Workplace - September 30, 2021
- Guidance on HIPAA, Health Information Exchanges, and Disclosures of Protected Health Information for Public Health Purposes - December 18, 2020
- HIPAA, Centrales de Información de Salud y Divulgación de Información de Salud Protegida para fines relacionados con la salud pública
- Updated Guidance on HIPAA and Contacting Former COVID-19 Patients about Plasma Donation - August 2020
- Guía actualizada sobre HIPAA y contacto con ex pacientes de COVID-19 sobre la donación de plasma - agosto de 2020
- Guidance on Covered Health Care Providers and Restrictions on Media Access to Protected Health Information about Individuals in Their Facilities
- Orientación sobre proveedores de atención médica cubiertos y restricciones sobre el acceso de los medios a la información médica protegida sobre las personas en sus instalaciones
- Disclosures of PHI to Law Enforcement, Paramedics, Other First Responders and Public Health Authorities
- Revelación de información a funcionarios de la ley, paramédicos, otros socorristas y las autoridades de salud pública
- FAQs on HIPAA and Telehealth
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre telemedicina y HIPAA
- March 2020 Civil Rights, HIPAA, and COVID-19 Bulletin
- Boletín informativo de marzo de 2020 - Derechos Civiles, la ley HIPAA y la enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
- March 2020 HIPAA and COVID-19 Bulletin
- Marzo de 2020 Boletín informativo sobre el COVID-19 y la Ley HIPAA
- February 2020 HIPAA and Novel Coronavirus
- Febrero de 2020: la Norma de Privacidad de la ley HIPAA y el nuevo coronavirus
- Webinar: OCR Update on HIPAA and COVID-19 — April 24, 2020
- SLIDES: [PDF - 1 MB]
For more information about the release of protected health information for planning or response activities in emergency situations, please visit the HIPAA Emergency Preparedness page.
To learn more about civil rights during COVID-19, please visit Civil Rights and COVID-19.
For more information about how nondiscrimination laws apply during an emergency, please visit the Civil Rights Emergency Preparedness page.