When events happen and hot topics arise, OHRP responds and gathers helpful resources for the research community. This page serves as a collection of that information. These materials are designed to help human research protections professionals apply the regulations and guidance materials under special circumstances when questions may arise. OHRP’s materials are intended for public use and distribution, and we invite you to share or link to them from your website.
OHRP Guidance on Response to COVID-19
Read the Effects of Disasters on Human Research Protections Programs Guidance Get a copy of the slides from the videocast presentation
Read the FDA Guidance on Conduct of Clinical Trials of Medical Products during the COVID-19 Pandemic Find information about FEMA Rumor Control
Find information about FEMA How You Can Help OHRP Correspondence: IRB Review of Protocol and Consent Changes in Cooperative Group Protocols
For additional relevant information about eConsent and HIPAA, see OHRP's Luminaries Lecture Series videos: "Use of eConsent in Human Subjects Research" and "Common Rule Revision: HIPAA Exemption 46.104(d)(4)(iii)"