Data Optimization
About the Data Optimization Initiative
Agencies across HHS collect a vast array of data to better understand the health of the nation. The Office of the CTO has been a leader in the federal government in enabling the public release of more than 4,500 data sets collected by HHS for use by researchers and entrepreneurs. The Open Data movement continues to be a focus of HHS. The Office of the CTO is committed to making data available for the public to do research, develop applications, and create new products to improve health.
Our Research
The Office of the CTO has done extensive research across HHS and the healthcare system to gather recommend best practices for data sharing. In partnership with the Center for Open Data Enterprise, we have hosted roundtables and co-authored reports.
Read our Reports
Leveraging Data for the Nation's Health
The State of Data Sharing at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018
Sharing and Utilizing Health Data for AI Applications
Balancing Privacy with Health Data Access
Leveraging Data on the Social Determinants of Health
Enabling a Data-Driven Institution through Organizational Change Management