Return to HHS System of Records Notices (SORNs)
- 09-10-0004 [FDA] Communications (Oral and Written) with the Public [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-15-0059 [HRSA] Strategic Work Information and Folder Transfer System (SWIFT) [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-15-0071 Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-15-0056]
- 09-20-0059 [CDC] Division of Training Mailing List [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-20-0113 [CDC] Epidemic Investigation Case Records [rescinded 2020; see instead 09-90-2001]
- 09-20-0168 Curricula Vitae of Consultants to the National Center for Health Statistics [rescinded 2016; see instead 09-90-1601]
- 09-25-0106 [NIH] Administration: Office of the NIH Director and Institute/Center Correspondence Records [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-25-0168 Invention, Patent, and Licensing Documents Submitted to the Public Health Service by its Employees, Grantees, Fellowship Recipients, and Contractors [rescinded 2020; see instead OS SORN 09-90-0067]
- 09-30-0033 [SAMHSA] Correspondence Files [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-30-0049 Consultant Records Maintained by SAMHSA Contractors [rescinded 2016; see instead 09-90-1601]
- 09-30-0051 SAMHSA Information Mailing System (SIMS) [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-37-0001 OASH Correspondence Control System [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-37-0020 Records of Health Experts Maintained by the Office of International Health [obsolete; rescinded 2016]
- 09-40-0013 PSC Parking Program, PSC Transhare Program Records, PSC Security Services, and PSC Employee and Contractors Identification Badge Issuances [rescinded 2016; see instead 09-90-0777]
- 09-70-3005 CMS Correspondence Tracking Management System (CTMS) [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-90-0001 Telephone Director/Locator System [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-90-0006 Applicants for Employment Records [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-5]
- 09-90-0011 Employee Appraisal Program Records [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-2]
- 09-90-0012 Executive Development Records [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-1]
- 09-90-0013 Federal Employees Occupational Health Program Records [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-10]
- 09-90-0016 HHS Motor Vehicle Operator Records [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-1]
- 09-90-0017 Pay, Leave & Attendance Records [replaced by 09-40-0006 & 09-40-0010; rescinded 1998; see now 09-90-1402]
- 09-90-0018 Personnel Records in Operating Offices [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-1]
- 09-90-0019 Special Employment Program Records [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-1]
- 09-90-0021 Training Management Information System [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-1]
- 09-90-0022 Volunteer EEO Support Personnel Records [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-1]
- 09-90-0023 Departmental Parking Control Policy & Records System [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-1]
- 09-90-0027 Congressional Correspondence Unit [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-90-0028 Biographies and Photographs of HHS Officials [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-1]
- 09-90-0036 Employee Suggestion Program Records [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-1]
- 09-90-0037 Secretariat’s Correspondence Control System [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-90-0038 Secretary’s Official Files [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-90-0041 Consumer Mailing List [obsolete; rescinded 2019]
- 09-90-0050 Case Information Management System [replaced by 09-90-0052; rescinded 2002]
- 09-90-0051 Complaint Files and Log [replaced by 09-90-0052; rescinded 2002]
- 09-90-0072 Congressional Grants Notification Unit [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-90-0074 Federal Parent Locator System & Federal Tax Offset System (FPLS) [replaced by ACF SORNs: NDNH 09-80-0381 and Debtor File 09-80-0383;rescinded 2011]
- 09-90-0075 MBTA Prepaid Pass Program Participants [obsolete; rescinded 2016]
- 09-90-0080 The Secretary’s Advisory Committee Candidate Files [rescinded 2016; see instead 09-90-0059 and 09-90-1601]
- 09-90-0088 National Long-Term Care Channeling Demonstration [obsolete; rescinded 1999]
- 09-90-0095 Management Information System Efficiency Reporter (MISER) [obsolete; rescinded 2016]
- 09-90-0103 Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank (HIPDB) [replaced by HRSA NPDB SORN 09-15-0054; rescinded 2013]
- 09-90-0150 Research & Demonstration Data System [obsolete ACF system rescinded 2015]
- 09-90-0161 Minority Health Information Services [rescinded 2019; see instead 09-90-1901]
- 09-90-0200 Child Care Subsidy Program Records [rescinded 2016; see instead OPM/GOVT-1]
- 09-90-1101 Optional Form 55 Cards Issuance Log [obsolete; rescinded 2016]
- 09-90-1201 ONC Health IT Dashboard [obsolete; rescinded 2019]