Vaccines for People with Health Conditions

If you have a long-term health condition — like diabetes, heart disease, or lung disease — it’s very important to get the right vaccines.

Some health conditions can make it harder for you to fight off vaccine-preventable diseases like pneumococcal disease or the flu. They can also make it more likely that you’ll have serious complications from those diseases.

On this page, you'll find answers to common questions about vaccines for people with health conditions.

Which vaccines are recommended for people with health conditions?

Check out this easy-to-read vaccine schedule (PDF - 148KB) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to find out which vaccines are right for you — including the ones you may need to avoid.

Vaccine calendar

Find the right vaccines for you

And talk with your doctor about vaccines you may need if you have any of the following health conditions:

Are there any vaccines I should not get?

Some adults with specific health conditions should not get certain vaccines or should wait to get them. Read more about who should not get specific vaccines .

Find out which vaccines you need

CDC’s Adult Vaccine Quiz helps you create a list of vaccines you may need based on your age, health conditions, and more.

Take the quiz now!

Get vaccinated

Getting vaccinated is easy. Vaccines are available at the doctor’s office and many pharmacies — and most are covered by insurance.

Find out how to get vaccinated.

Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed