Office of Finance (OF)
Topics on this page: Office of Finance Responsibilities | Office of Finance Organization | Key Personnel | Reports & Policies
Office of Finance Responsibilities
The mission of the Office of Finance is to provide financial accountability and enhance program integrity through leadership, oversight, collaboration, and innovation. The office is responsible for support and coordination in the following areas:
- Oversees the design, preparation, and submission of financial management reports for the Department, as required by legislation, regulation, OMB, Treasury, GAO, and Congressional requests;
- Develops, implements, and manages an enterprise-wide audit tracking and analytics system that includes at a minimum: single audits, OIG audits, and GAO audits;
- Implements the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002, the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010, the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act of 2012, and improper payment related Executive Orders and other regulatory requirements;
- Leads strategic planning for the HHS CFO community;
- Coordinates across HHS to establish and communicate HHS’s ERM vision, culture, strategy, and framework;
- Facilitates enterprise-wide, integrated and comprehensive assessments across HHS’s risk portfolio including leading the development of the agency’s risk profile and guiding management’s prioritization of risks across the agency;
- Leads the Department’s efforts to establish and maintain proper internal control over reporting and ensures that requirements are met under Appendix A, OMB Circular A–123, “Management’s Responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control”;
- Recommends, develops, and promulgates Department-wide policies, procedures, and standards for financial management areas including OMB, GAO, Treasury, Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB), and other agency guidance related to government-wide accounting policies and standards, cash management, credit management, debt management, payment and disbursement activities and functions, and budget execution accounting
- Oversees the strategic planning and maintenance of the Department-wide Accounting Treatment Manual (ATM) in accordance with Federal accounting concepts, standards, and HHS financial management policies;
- Maintaining the Department-wide systems including the Unified Financial Management System (UFMS), the Financial Business Intelligence System (FBIS), and the Consolidated Financial Reporting System (CFRS);
- Provides oversight of all aspects of the Department-wide financial systems and coordinates with executive-level stakeholders to execute the financial systems strategy;
- Oversees the Department-wide financial systems, including the three major core accounting systems (the Healthcare Integrated General Ledger Accounting System (HIGLAS) at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Institutes of Health Business System (NBS), and the Unified Financial Management System (UFMS) for the rest of the Department), the Consolidated Financial Reporting System (CFRS), and the Financial Business Intelligence System (FBIS);
- Oversees compliance with Federal and Departmental policies and procedures for financial systems, including compliance with the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (FFMIA) and Section 4 of the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA).
Office of Finance Organization
- Office of Financial Policy and Reporting
- Office of Program Management and Systems Policy
- Office of Program Audit Coordination
- Office of Finance Organizational Chart
- Office of Finance Functional Statement
Key Personnel
- Find information about Office of Finance Key Personnel, and contact information.
- HHS Chief Financial Officers and Services Contacts responsible for specific financial services across the Department.
Reports and Policies
Agency Financial Report (AFR)
The annual HHS Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results to assess our accomplishments for each fiscal year (October 1 through September 30).
Financial Policy Library
HHS financial policies, guidance, plan and performance reports provides guidance on financial management requirements.