Division of Grants Policy, Oversight and Evaluation (DGPOE)
DGPOE Responsibilities
The Division of Grants Policy, Oversight and Evaluation (DGPOE) is responsible for developing financial assistance policies and regulations guiding HHS federal financial assistance. The office also oversees the implementation of HHS's financial assistance policies and regulations. DGPOE publishes HHS's policy and regulations in the Grants Policy Administration Manual (GPAM), the HHS Grants Policy Statement (GPS), and HHS's Grants Regulations at 45 CFR Part 75.
In addition, DGPOE articulates HHS's positions and responses to government-wide policy making endeavors and proposed legislation. DGPOE serves as representatives for the Council on Financial Assistance Reform and Financial Assistance Committee on E-government. Additionally, DGPOE assists with financial assistance issues involving the OIG, GAO and Congress. The office provides accurate and timely grants policies and procedures guidance to all customers and stakeholders, including Members of Congress, state and local governments, potential grant applicants and recipients, OPDIVs, other HHS divisions, and the general public.
Key Personnel
The Key Personnel section provides leadership title and contact information. Also, see the list of HHS Grant Officials.
Grants Policy Information
See these pages for important information about grants policy: