Division of Acquisition (DA)
Topics on this page: Division of Acquisition Mission | Organization Responsibilities | Key Personnel
Division of Acquisition Mission
The Division of Acquisition provides Department-wide leadership for acquisition functions to include the administration; management; oversight for policies, programs, workforce development; and business systems required to assure the delivery of transparent best value acquisition solutions. The Division of Acquisition is comprised of four offices:
- Acquisition Policy
- Acquisition Program Support
- Acquisition Workforce & Strategic Initiatives
- Acquisition Business Systems
Organization Responsibilities
The Office of Acquisition Policy is responsible for:
- Department-wide HHS Acquisition Policies and Guidance.
- Publishing and amending the HHS Acquisition Regulation (HHSAR).
- Participating in Government-wide acquisition rule-making through the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council (CAAC)
- Managing the HHS Competition Advocate and Delivery/Task Order Ombudsman Programs
The Office of Acquisition Program Support is responsible for:
- Conducting procurement management reviews and measuring acquisition performance
- Managing the HHS Strategic Sourcing and Government Purchase Card Programs
- Managing the acquisition aspects of the HHS Strategic Sustainability Program
- Participating in various Government-wide boards, councils, and other forums related to acquisition policy
The Office of Acquisition Workforce & Strategic Initiatives is responsible for:
- Managing the HHS acquisition workforce development programs
- Ensuring the HHS acquisition workforce has access to professional development , centralized training and resources to maintain certification
- Providing guidance and review of acquisition documentation, as submitted by HHS operational divisions, to ensure it meets or exceeds the Federal acquisition compliance level required to merit approval by the Senior Procurement Executive
- Being the standard bearer for governance and oversight of the HHS acquisition lifecycle framework
- Participating in Government-wide boards, councils, and other forums related to Federal workforce initiatives and acquisition related activities
- Manage and support the HHS School-House, a one-stop shop that will meet the training and professional development needs of the HHS Acquisition Workforce
The Office of Acquisition Business Systems is responsible for:
- Serving as the Business Owner for various acquisition systems
- Developing Department-wide standards for acquisition systems to include policies and guidance
- Managing contract data quality initiatives and related programs/systems
- Participating in Government-wide boards, councils, and other forums related to e-business initiatives
Key Personnel
The Key Personnel section provides leadership title and contact information. Also, see the list of HHS Heads of Contracting Activity and Key Managers and the HHS Suspension and Debarment Official and Staff.