FY 2017 Annual Performance Plan and Report
Fiscal Year 2017
Released February 2016
The Annual Performance Report provides information on HHS’s progress toward achieving the goals and objectives described in the HHS Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan. This section is organized around the goals and objectives contained in the FY 2014 – 2018 HHS Strategic Plan. The information shown here reflects the most recent results available at the end of FY 2015 for HHS representative measures. The Goals and Objectives can be found in the Strategic Plan.
Also see the print version of this report
Table of Contents
Message from the HHS Performance Improvement Officer
Executive Summary
- Cross-Agency Priority Goals
- Strategic Goals Overview
- Management Objectives and Priorities
- Performance Management
- HHS Agency Priority Goals
- HHS Agency Priority Goals Progress Summary FY 2014 – FY 2015
- HHS Agency Priority Goals FY 2016 – FY 2017
Annual Performance Plan and Report
Goal 1
- Goal 1. Objective A: Make coverage more secure for those who have insurance, and extend affordable coverage to the uninsured
- Goal 1. Objective B: Improve healthcare quality and patient safety
- Goal 1. Objective C: Emphasize primary and preventive care, linked with community prevention services
- Goal 1. Objective D: Reduce the growth of healthcare costs while promoting high-value, effective care
- Goal 1. Objective E: Ensure access to quality, culturally competent care, including long-term services and supports, for vulnerable populations
- Goal 1. Objective F: Improve health care and population health through the meaningful use of health information technology
Goal 2
- Goal 2. Objective A: Accelerate the process of scientific discovery to improve health
- Goal 2. Objective B: Foster and apply innovative solutions to health, public health, and human services challenges
- Goal 2. Objective C: Advance the regulatory sciences to enhance food safety, improve medical product development, and support tobacco regulation
- Goal 2. Objective D: Increase our understanding of what works in public health and human services practice
- Goal 2. Objective E: Improve laboratory, surveillance, and epidemiology capacity
Goal 3
- Goal 3. Objective A: Promote the safety, well-being, resilience and healthy development of children and youth
- Goal 3. Objective B: Promote economic and social well-being for individuals, families, and communities
- Goal 3. Objective C: Improve the accessibility and quality of supportive services for people with disabilities and older adults
- Goal 3. Objective D: Promote prevention and wellness across the lifespan
- Goal 3. Objective E: Reduce the occurrence of infectious diseases
- Goal 3. Objective F: Protect Americans’ health and safety during emergencies, and foster resilience to withstand and respond to emergencies
Goal 4
- Goal 4. Objective A: Strengthen program integrity and responsible stewardship by reducing improper payments, fighting fraud, and integrating financial, performance, and risk management.
- Goal 4. Objective B: Enhance access to and use of data to improve HHS programs and support improvements in the health and well-being of the American people
- Goal 4. Objective C: Invest in the HHS workforce to help meet America’s health and human service needs
- Goal 4. Objective D: Improve HHS environmental, energy, and economic performance to promote sustainability