Drug Pricing
For years, American patients have suffered under a drug-pricing system that provides generous incentives for innovation, while too often failing to deliver important medications at an affordable cost. We have access to the greatest medicines in the world, but access is meaningless without affordability.
To address this issue, in May 2018, President Donald Trump and Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar released the American Patients First blueprint, a comprehensive plan to bring down prescription drug prices and out-of-pocket costs. Since the launch of the blueprint, the men and women of HHS have been taking action across the department’s programs and authorities to turn the President’s vision into action, and improve the health and well-being of every American.
American Patients First
This blueprint is a historic plan for bringing down the high price of drugs and reducing out-of-pocket costs for the American consumer. Download
Blueprint Updates
- Fact Sheet: 100 Days of Results: President Trump’s American Patients First Blueprint
- Report on 100 Days of Action on the American Patient First Blueprint
Request for Proposals
- Request for Proposals Regarding Waivers for Individual Prescription Drug Importation Programs*
- Request for Proposals Regarding Waivers for Individual Prescription Drug Importation Programs FAQ
- Request for Proposals Regarding Insulin Reimportation Programs*
- Request for Proposals Regarding Insulin Reimportation Programs FAQ
* People using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please contact digital@hhs.gov.
Drug Pricing: The Latest