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Project Boundary

Exploring workplace wellness through a technology demonstration using indoor proximity sensing beacons.

Executive Summary

This project is an exploration of indoor proximity sensing beacons that could potentially create a more aware and intelligent workplace. The project envisions the use of low energy Bluetooth sensors to deliver well-timed and contextually relevant triggers delivered to the user in order to encourage the adoption of healthy behaviors within the workplace. It hopes to cover new ground in the field of corporate wellness and gamify the interactions of the user with their physical surroundings.

This was conceptualized by the IDEA Lab’s Innovator in Residence – Naganand Murty and Nayan Jain – a White House Presidential Innovation Fellow, as an technology demonstration in radically redefining workplace wellness. This was designed as an entry for the SmartAmerica Challenge, hosted at the White House.

A project supported by the: HHS Innovator-in-Residence Program

Team Members

Nag Murty
Nayan Jain
