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Providing Relief Right Now for Patients

A functioning, competitive market for health insurance is a crucial element of providing patients access to quality, affordable care. But with skyrocketing premiums and narrowing choices, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has done damage to this market and created great burdens for many Americans.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is committed to doing everything in our power to provide relief immediately. Within what the law allows, HHS is taking action to stabilize the individual and small group insurance markets (the markets most affected by the ACA) so that they work better for everyone.

So far, HHS has released 18 different actions and rules that provide relief.

We are going through every page of regulations and guidance related to the Affordable Care Act to determine whether or not they work for patients and whether or not they are making our health care system better.

Since Jan. 20, HHS has reviewed 2,757 pages of ACA rules, 1,601 pages of ACA guidance, 4,623 pages of public comments. As of June 26, 2017


HHS sees state flexibility and innovation as one of the key ways to offer relief to those suffering under the Affordable Care Act.
health insurance enrollment
HHS plans to streamline the process of signing up for individual insurance by making it easier to use tools besides Healthcare.gov.
Comment icon
HHS announces an opportunity to submit ideas for reforms to the individual and small-group insurance markets.
Doctor examines patient
Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act allows states to seek exemptions from some of the law’s most burdensome regulations if they come up with innovative ways to provide their citizens with access to quality, affordable coverage choices.
Small Business
CMS plans to propose streamlining the way small businesses can buy insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act.
Doctors in surgery
We’ve released new rules for the individual insurance market to boost competition, keep down premiums, and discourage gaming the system. Read on to find out how they work.
Doctor checking blood pressure
HHS Secretary Price and CMS Administrator Verma sent a letter to states expressing openness to new ideas that would improve access to care for patients in the Medicaid program.
Doctor examining a toddler.
HHS is committed to offering the most flexibility we can under the law to let states figure out ways to offer more choices at better prices.
Doctor with Child
We’re going to let millions of Americans hold onto insurance plans that work for them — here’s how.
Doctor Reviewing X-Ray
We’ve streamlined and delayed deadlines for insurers planning to offer plans in 2018. Read more to find out how this helps you.
Content created by Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA)
Content last reviewed on July 13, 2017