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HIPAA FAQs for Individuals
What does the HIPAA Privacy Rule do?
Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule expand the ability of providers, plans, marketers and others to use my protected health information to market goods and services to me? Does the Privacy Rule make it easier for health care businesses to engage in door-to-door sales and marketing efforts?
Can telemarketers obtain my health information and use it to call me to sell good and services?
How does the HIPAA Privacy Rule affect my rights under the Federal Privacy Act?
If I believe that my privacy rights have been violated, when can I submit a complaint?
If I do not object, can my health care provider share or discuss my health information with my family, friends, or others involved in my care or payment for my care?
If I am unconscious or not around, can my health care provider still share or discuss my health information with my family, friends, or others involved in my care or payment for my care?
If my family or friends call my health care provider to ask about my condition, will they have to give my provider proof of who they are?
Can I have another person pick up my prescription drugs, medical supplies, or x-rays?
Can my health care provider discuss my health information with an interpreter?
Since the HIPAA Privacy Rule protects a decedent’s health information only for 50 years following the individual’s death, does my family health history recorded in my medical record lose protection when it involves family members who have been deceased for more than 50 years?
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Content created by Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Content last reviewed on June 16, 2017
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