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Health Information Privacy
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
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HIPAA for Individuals
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HIPAA for Professionals
For Professionals
> Notice of Privacy Practice
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Notice of Privacy Practice
Are hospitals or other health care providers required to provide their notices to patients they treat in an emergency?
If a health care provider chooses to obtain an individual's consent to use or disclose protected health information about them, does the provider also have to make a good faith effort to obtain the individual's acknowledgement of the notice?
Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule require a health care provider to obtain a new acknowledgement of receipt of the notice from patients if the facility changes its privacy policy?
Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule permit health care providers to obtain an electronic acknowledgement of the notice from individuals?
Are covered entities permitted to give individuals a “layered” notice?
Are health plans required to make a good faith effort to obtain from their enrollees a written acknowledgement of receipt of the notice?
How are health care providers supposed to provide the notice to individuals and obtain their written acknowledgement of the notice when the first treatment encounter is over the phone or in some other manner that is not face-to-face?
We participate in an organized health care arrangement (OHCA). How are we to comply with the HIPAA Privacy Rule's requirements for providing notices and obtaining individuals' acknowledgements of the notice?
Does a health plan have to provide a copy of its notice to each dependent receiving coverage under a policy?
For group health plan products, can the health plan send its notice to the administrator of the group product or the plan sponsor for them to distribute to each employee enrolled in the plan?
As a pediatrician, am I required to give my notice of privacy practices to the children I treat?
Are health care providers required by the HIPAA Privacy Rule to post their entire notice at their facility or may they post just a brief description of the notice?
Can a covered entity bypass obtaining an individual's authorization for a use or disclosure not permitted by the HIPAA Privacy Rule simply by informing individuals of the use or disclosure through it notice of privacy practices?
Is our medical practice required to notify patients through the mail of any changes to our notice?
Is a physician required to give her notice to every patient or can she just post the notice in her waiting room and give a copy to those patients who ask for it?
It is common for hospitals and other health care providers to collect preoperative information over the phone from a new patient prior to the day of surgery in order to determine whether the patient has any special medical concerns or issues that need to be addressed. Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule prohibit this practice if the patient has not yet received or acknowledged the provider's notice?
Is a pharmacist permitted to have a customer acknowledge receipt of the notice by signing or initialing the log book that they already sign when they pick up prescriptions?
Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule require a business associate to create a notice of privacy practices?
Must a covered entity with a Notice of Privacy Practices that reflects more stringent state laws of multiple states, revise the whole Notice every time one state law materially changes?
Is a health plan required to periodically notify enrollees about the availability, and how to obtain a copy, of its Notice of Privacy Practices?
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