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Health Information Privacy
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
HHS A-Z Index
HIPAA for Individuals
Filing a Complaint
HIPAA for Professionals
For Professionals
> Public Health Uses and Disclosures
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FAQs Categories
Authorizations (30)
Business Associates (42)
Compliance Dates (2)
Covered Entities (14)
Decedents (8)
Disclosures for Law Enforcement Purposes (7)
Disclosures for Rule Enforcement (2)
Disclosures in Emergency Situations (2)
Disclosures Required by Law (6)
Disclosures to Family and Friends (28)
Disposal of Protected Health Information (6)
Facility Directories (7)
Family Medical History Information (3)
FERPA and HIPAA (10)
Group Health Plans (3)
Health Information Technology (41)
Incidental Uses and Disclosures (10)
Judicial and Administrative Proceedings (8)
Limited Data Set (5)
Marketing (18)
Marketing - Refill Reminders (16)
Mental Health (35)
Minimum Necessary (14)
Notice of Privacy Practice (20)
Personal Representatives and Minors (13)
Preemption of State Law (10)
Privacy Rule: General Topics (12)
Protected Health Information (2)
Public Health Uses and Disclosures (13)
Research Uses and Disclosures (20)
Right to Access and Research (58)
Right to an Accounting of Disclosures (8)
Right to File a Complaint (1)
Right to Request a Restriction (2)
Safeguards (13)
Security Rule (25)
Smaller Providers and Businesses (147)
Student Immunizations (8)
Telehealth (11)
Transition Provisions (3)
Treatment, Payment, and Health Care Operations Disclosures (30)
Workers Compensation Disclosures (5)
Public Health Uses and Disclosures
Must a health care provider or other covered entity obtain permission from a patient prior to notifying public health authorities of the occurrence of a reportable disease?
Does the public health provision of the HIPAA Privacy Rule require covered entities to make public health disclosures?
May covered entities disclose facially identifiable protected health information, such as name, address, and social security number, for public health purposes?
Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule's public health provision permit covered entities to disclose protected health information to authorities such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH)?
To whom may covered entities make public health disclosures regarding a product regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) when more than one person is identified on the product label?
Is a covered entity permitted to disclose protected health information under the HIPAA Privacy Rule's public health provision when the link between an averse event and a product regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is only suspected?
Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule's public health provision permit covered entities to disclose protected health information without authorization to a manufacturer of a product regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use by the manufacturer to assess the effectiveness of its marketing campaign?
Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule's public health provision permit covered health care providers to disclose protected health information concerning the findings of pre-employment physicals, drug tests, or fitness-for-duty examinations to an individuals employer?
Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule permit covered entities to disclose protected health information, without individuals' authorization, to public officials responding to a bioterrorism threat or other public health emergency?
To provide individuals with an accounting for disclosures, does a covered entity have to document each medical record that may be accessed by a public health authority in the course of surveillance activities that involve all patient records?
Must a covered entity provide an accounting for disclosures if the only information disclosed to a public health authority is in the form of a limited data set?
May a covered entity hire a business associate to create a limited data set, and may the public health authority be a business associate for that purpose, even if the public health authority is also the intended recipient of the limited data set?
When may a covered health care provider disclose protected health information, without an authorization or business associate agreement, to a medical device company representative?
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