Register IRBs & Obtain FWAs
OHRP provides instructions for registering institutional review boards (IRB) and obtaining Federalwide Assurances (FWA) through the links on this page.
An institution must have an FWA in order to receive HHS support for research involving human subjects. Each FWA must designate at least one IRB registered with OHRP. Before obtaining an FWA, an institution must either register its own IRB (an “internal” IRB) or designate an already registered IRB operated by another organization.
IRB Registration
Find information on registering an IRB (a separate process from obtaining a FWA).
Find information on obtaining a FWA (a separate process from registering an IRB).
IRB & FWAs Status
Learn the status of an IRB registration or a FWA submission.
Find a variety of forms (e.g., sample IRB authorization, individual investigator agreements, IRB registration and FWA instructions, and terms of assurances).
IRB & FWA Contact Us Tile
Contact Us
Contact OHRP with questions about FWAs or IRB registration.
Content last reviewed on February 19, 2016