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OHRP Exploratory Workshop

Session A: Laying the Groundwork for Meaningful Informed Consent

Panelists list

Moderator: David H. Strauss, M.D.
Austen Riggs Center

Dr. David Strauss is the Director of Research at the Austen Riggs Center in Massachusetts, and a special lecturer at Columbia University. There, he serves on the steering committee and heads the Ethics Unit of a federally funded center grant entitled “Optimizing and Personalizing Interventions for People with Schizophrenia Across the Lifespan.” As Senior Advisor to the Multiregional Clinical Trials Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard, Dr. Strauss co-leads a project aimed at promoting diversity in clinical trials. He is an Executive Council member of PRIM&R Board of Directors, co-chairs its Public Policy Committee, and is member of the Subpart A Subcommittee of SACHRP. Dr. Strauss maintains a private practice of psychotherapy and psychopharmacology and teaches, lectures, and consults widely on matters of human subjects protections and applied research and professional ethics.


Danielle Bromwich, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts 

Dr. Danielle Bromwich is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Massachusetts Boston, and a former postdoctoral fellow in the Clinical Center Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Her research interests include moral motivation and the ethics of consent. She has published, in collaboration with Dr. Joseph Millum from NIH, a series of articles on the ethics of consent, including: “Disclosure and Consent to Medical Research Participation,” Journal of Moral Philosophy, 2012; “Informed consent to HIV Cure Research,” Journal of Medical Ethics, 2016; “Understanding, Communication, and Consent,” Ergo, 2018; and “Lies, Control, and Consent: A Response to Dougherty and Manson,” Ethics, 2018. Dr. Bromwich is currently in the process of working on a book with Dr. Millum on what consent is, and how it goes wrong.


Joseph Millum, Ph.D., M.Sc.
NIH Clinical Center & Fogarty International Center

Dr. Joseph Millum is a bioethicist with the Clinical Center Department of Bioethics and the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). He studied philosophy at Edinburgh University and the University of Toronto, where he received his doctorate, and economics at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Millum’s research focuses on the rights and responsibilities of parents, the ethics of international research, informed consent, and priority setting for health care and research. He is co-editor of the book Global Justice and Bioethics (2012) and author of The Moral Foundations of Parenthood (2018), both with Oxford University Press.


Rebecca Dresser, J.D.
Washington University in St. Louis

Since 1983, Ms. Rebecca Dresser has taught medical and law students about legal and ethical issues such as end-of-life care, biomedical research, genetics, assisted reproduction, and other related topics. She has been a member of the Washington University in St. Louis faculty since 1998; before that, Ms. Dresser taught at Baylor College of Medicine and Case Western Reserve University. Today, she is a contributing editor and “At Law” columnist for the Hastings Center Report. Her 2017 book, Silent Partners: Human Subjects and Research Ethics, calls for including experienced study subjects in research ethics deliberations. Ms. Dresser is also the author of When Science Offers Salvation: Patient Advocacy and Research Ethics (2001) and editor of Malignant: Medical Ethicists Confront Cancer (2012). From 2002-2009, she was a member of the President’s Council on Bioethics and, from 2011-2015, a member of the National Institutes of Health Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee.


Baruch Fischhoff, Ph.D.
Carnegie Mellon University

Dr. Baruch Fischhoff is the Howard Heinz University Professor in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy and Institute for Politics and Strategy at Carnegie Mellon University. A Detroit Public Schools graduate, he holds a dual B.S. in mathematics and psychology from Wayne State University and a Ph.D. in psychology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Fischhoff is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine, and former president of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making and the Society for Risk Analysis. He has chaired the Food and Drug Administration Risk Communication Advisory Committee and been an active member of Oregon’s Eugene Commission on the Rights of Women. Additionally, Dr. Fischhoff has served as a member of the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee and the Environmental Protection Agency Scientific Advisory Board, in which he chaired the Homeland Security Advisory Committee. His books include Acceptable Risk, Risk: A Very Short Introduction, and Counting Civilian Casualties.

Content created by Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
Content last reviewed on August 16, 2018