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Title X Grants for Ensuring Access to Quality Family Planning Services

Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Contact: Office of Population Affairs

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Population Affairs recently announced its Ensuring Access to Quality Family Planning Services grant awards to eight existing Title X service grantees in California, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania,  New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island.

The HHS Office of Population Affairs oversees the Title X Family Planning Program, which funds 89 grantees that support over 4,100 family planning centers nationwide and serve more than 4 million women and men each year. Title X grants are awarded through a competitive process to public and private not-for-profit entities. Services funded with Title X grants are provided by state and local health departments, hospitals, university health center, and nonprofit agencies. Family planning services funded through the Title X program include: clinical family planning and related preventive health services; information, education, and counseling related to family planning; and referral services as indicated. By law, Title X funds cannot be used to provide or encourage abortion.

Organizations with an active Title X services grant were eligible to apply under a competitive process for supplemental grant funding through this Ensuring Access to Quality Family Planning Services opportunity.

Over the past six years, the health care landscape has changed as a result legislation collectively known as the Affordable Care Act. Title X-funded health centers must now invest in infrastructure and operational improvements in order to continue providing high quality family planning and related preventive health services to patients, and to remain financially sustainable.  The Ensuring Access to Quality family Planning Services grants will support activities on a range of topics to support infrastructure, operational improvements, and outreach to new clients within Title X service areas. The grantees listed below will implement projects focusing on one of the following priority areas:

  • Improving health information technology systems;
  • Partnering with or enhancing integration of family planning services with primary care services;
  • Improving financial systems to optimize revenue; and,
  • Conducting outreach to low income men and women of reproductive age in need of family planning services.

The grant awards listed below are based on the FY 2016 budget and provide funding amounts for grants that began July 1, 2016.

Grantee: California Family Health Council, Inc.
Award Priority Area: Outreach
Award: $125,000

Grantee: Planned Parenthood of Illinois
Award Priority Area: Partnering with Primary Healthcare Providers
Award: $150,000

Grantee: Indiana Family Health Council, Inc.
Award Priority Area: Revenue Analysis
Award: $97,800

Grantee: Family Health Council of Central Pennsylvania, Inc.
Award Priority Area: Health Information Technology
Award: $59,500

Grantee: New Jersey Family Planning League, Inc.
Award Priority Area: Health Information Technology
Award: $127,300

Grantee: Public Health Solutions
Award Priority Area: Partnering with Primary Healthcare Providers
Award: $150,000

Grantee: New York State Department of Public Health and Human Services
Award Priority Area: Outreach
Award: $142,400

Grantee: Rhode Island Department of Health
Award Priority Area: Outreach
Award: $31,500

For more information, visit: Office of Population Affairs
Media Contact: (202) 205-0143 or ashmedia@hhs.gov

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Content created by Office of Population Affairs
Content last reviewed on July 20, 2016