Get Ahead of the Problem

Focus Efforts on Youth and Prevention

A leader from the Boys & Girls Club of America said recently, “Children may make up 25 percent of our population, but they are 100 percent of our future.”

Children exposed to abuse, neglect, mental illness, substance-use disorders in the household — or any other Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) — may experience poorer health outcomes, learning problems, and are at higher risk for substance-use disorders.

To nurture the healthy development of future generations, we need to reduce known risk factors, elevate protective factors — such as early intervention and the support of stable and caring relationships — and implement evidence-based programs that support families and empower youth.

“We know that what protects children from adverse experiences is nurturing parenting skills, stable family relationships, and caring adults outside the family who can serve as role models or mentors.”

—U.S. Surgeon Gen., VADM Jerome Adams

Getting Started

  • Educate your community leaders and family members about ACEs and their impact on future behavior and learning. Offer programs on positive parenting and mentor youth and young adults.
  • Implement the six key principles of trauma-informed approaches throughout your organization.
  • Include the subject of substance-use disorder in your programs.
  • Host faith-based recovery support programs, such as The Landing or Teen Challenge USA.
  • Create a place on your website, in your newsletters or on your social media pages that links to helpful resources, such as:
  • Help ensure all children and youth have access to safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments, so people can reach their life potential.
Content created by Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (CFBNP)
Content last reviewed on December 26, 2018