Rebuild and Restore

Support Individuals and Families in Rebuilding Their Lives

Addiction can leave the lives of individuals and their families dramatically altered by the loss of jobs, homes, or damaged relationships.

For decades, faith and community organizations have been providing the kinds of “wrap-around services” that can help to restore and rebuild lives and livelihoods. The opportunity here is to connect those programs to what SAMHSA has identified as the four dimensions that support a life in recovery:

Drug addiction makes it hard to function in daily life. It affects how you act with your family, at work, and in the community. It is hard to change so many things at once and not fall back into old habits. Recovery from addiction is a lifelong effort.

NIDA, What Is Recovery?

  • Health: Overcoming or managing one’s disease or symptoms.
  • Home: Having a stable and safe place to live.
  • Purpose: Conducting meaningful daily activities (e.g., job, family care-taking, and resources to participate in society, etc.).
  • Community: Having relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love, and hope.

Getting Started

  • Provide help with employment readiness, housing, transportation, food, clothing, or assist with child care.
  • Designate a community leader to connect people to essential services by creating a database or using United Way 2.1.1.
  • Offer life readiness and coaching programs for formerly incarcerated citizens reentering society.
  • Coach people on how to manage their finances.
  • Support local foster care families by gathering resources, donating clothing items and/or other much-needed necessities, including cribs and car seats.
Content created by Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (CFBNP)
Content last reviewed on April 3, 2018