Working Groups

Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (PACCARB)

The PACCARB establishes Working Groups (WG) composed of council members and federal representatives based on the task/s assigned by the Secretary of HHS, or priorities set by the Chairs of the PACCARB. Utilizing a consistent One Health approach to address tasks, each WG is co-chaired by voting members with human health and animal health expertise. External stakeholders participate on closed WG group sessions as presenters for fact-finding purposes. Once a WG has completed its task and produced a report with recommendations, that deliverable is presented to the full PACCARB for deliberation and vote at a public meeting. After the draft report has been voted on, the WG is on standby until another task has been assigned, or new WGs are established, as appropriate.

The PACCARB WGs and their most current deliverables are listed below in chronological order of establishment:

Antibiotic Access and Use Working Group (status: active)

Report: on-going

  • Mission: Investigate differences in perception and usage of antibiotics across the One Health spectrum and provide recommendations identifying any knowledge gaps that future research can address.

Inter-Professional Education Working Group (status: active)

Report: on-going

  • Mission: Investigate how inter-professional education and practice (IPE) can be used to improve antibiotic stewardship and infection prevention curricula. Provide recommendations on how to incorporate IPE to strengthen training, national and state board certification and accreditation, and continuing education of health science professionals.

Working Group on Strategic Planning (status: active)

Report: on-going

  • Mission: Collect data and perform outreach to plan and inform the strategic direction of Council tasks.

Working Group on the National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (CARB) 2019 (status: on stand by)

Report: NAP WG Final Report. Voted and approved at the July 10, 2019 public meeting.

  • Mission: Explore current policies, review new research findings and discoveries, and identify emerging priorities to inform and support the goals of the National Action Plan for CARB 2020-2025.

Working Group on Infection Prevention and Stewardship (status: on stand by)

Report: IP&S WG Final Report. Voted and approved at the September 26, 2018 public meeting.

  • Mission: Critically explore and evaluate federal programs related to infection prevention and stewardship for animal and human health.

Immediate Action Subcommittee (status: on stand by)

Report: A letter with recommendations drafted by the Immediate Action Subcommittee, One-page letter, was voted and approved at the April 2019 public meeting.

Reports: Two letters with recommendations drafted by the Immediate Action Subcommittee, Resolution 1 and Resolution 2, were voted and approved at the March 2018 public meeting.

  • Mission: Provide recommendations addressing topics of immediate concern related to antibiotic resistance

Working Group on Incentives for the Development of Products to Combat Antibiotic Resistance (status: on standby)

Report: Recommendations for Incentivizing the Development of Vaccines, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics to Combat Antibiotic-Resistance. Voted and approved at the September 2017 public meeting.

  • Mission: Address the best way to incentivize the development of therapeutics/anti-infectives (including alternatives to antibiotics), rapid diagnostics, and vaccines for both humans and animals. 

Working Groups on Goals 1-5 of the National Action Plan (status: inactive)

Report: Initial Assessments of the National Action Plan on CARB. Voted and approved at the March 2016 public meeting.

  • Mission: Provide the Advisory Council with a summary of findings on federal and non-federal efforts as they relate to the 5 goals of the NAP.
Content created by Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)
Content last reviewed