May 10, 2018, TBDWG Meeting (on-line)

May 10, 2018


8:30 am – 8:35 pm

- Welcome
- Recap of Meeting 3
- Review of Meeting 4

 John Aucott
 Kristen Honey
 Rich Wolitski

8:40 am – 9:40 am

- Overview of what has been occurring since Meeting #3

 John Aucott
 Kristen Honey

9:45 am – 10:45 am

- Subcommittee Presentation: Disease Vectors, Surveillance and Prevention

 Pat Smith
 Ben Beard

10:45 am – 11:00 am

- Break

11:05 am – 12:05 pm

- Subcommittee Presentation: Pathogenesis, Transmission, and Treatment

 Wendy Adams
 Estella Jones

12:05 pm – 12:50 pm

- Lunch Break

12:55 pm – 1:55 pm

- Subcommittee Presentation: Testing and Diagnostics

 Lise Nigrovic
 David Roth

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm - Subcommittee Presentation: Access to Care and Support to Patients

 Scott Cooper
 Paula Jackson Jones

3:00 pm – 3:15 pm

- Break

3:20 pm – 4:20 pm - Subcommittee Presentation: Vaccine and Therapeutics

 Dennis Dixon
 Robert Smith

4:25 pm – 5:25 pm - Subcommittee Presentation: Other Tick-Borne Diseases and Co-infections

 Richard Horowitz
 Allen Richards

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm - Public Comment

 John Aucott
 Kristen Honey

6:35 pm – 6:45 pm

- Review of Meeting Four, Next Steps
- Adjournment

 John Aucott
 Kristen Honey