December 3, 2018, TBDWG Meeting (on-line)

December 3, 2018

During this meeting, the Work Group reviewed the work of the public comments subcommittee, discussed the release of the 2018 Report to Congress, recognized the subcommittee members for their contributions to the 2018 Report, and addressed the next steps and transition to a new Working Group for the 2020 Report to Congress.

Federal Register Notice Meeting Announcement

Slide Presentation

Meeting Summary

Archived Webcast

Written Public Comment


Monday, December 3, 2018

1:00 pm – 1:02 pm Welcome and Recap of Meeting #7 John Aucott, Kristen Honey, Jim Berger
1:02 pm – 1:04 pm Leadership Remarks ADM Brett Giroir, MD
1:05 pm – 1:10 pm Recognition and Thanks
- Working Group Members
- Subcommittee Members
John Aucott, Kristen Honey
1:11 pm – 1:15 pm Overview of Work since Meeting #7 John Aucott, Kristen Honey, Jim Berger
1:16 pm – 1:26 pm Communications Plan Summary
- Overall process
- Articles
Diane Gianelli
1:27 pm – 1:28 pm Review of Meeting #8 Agenda John Aucott, Kristen Honey
1:29 pm – 2:09 pm  Public Comment  John Aucott, Kristen Honey 
2:10 pm – 2:20 pm Discussion from Public Comment Subcommittee Kristen Honey
2:21 pm – 2:24 pm Discussion of Timeline for Report to Congress Jim Berger
2:25 pm – 3:15 pm Next Steps/Transition
- Transition in membership
- How to apply to be on Working Group
- Literature Review
- Federal Inventory
Jim Berger, John Aucott, Kristen Honey
3:15 pm – 4:00 pm Other Business Working Group
4:00 pm Adjournment John Aucott, Kristen Honey