Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan

The Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan for the United States: A Roadmap to Elimination 2021-2025 (Viral Hepatitis Plan or Plan), released on January 7, 2021, is a new phase in the fight against viral hepatitis in the United States. Building on three prior National Viral Hepatitis Action Plans over the last 10 years, the Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan is the first to aim for elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health threat in the United States.

The Viral Hepatitis Plan sets forth a clear vision for how the United States will be a place where new viral hepatitis infections are prevented, every person knows their status, and every person with viral hepatitis has high-quality health care and treatment and lives free from stigma and discrimination. In support of this vision, it includes five major goals, objectives and strategies to achieve these goals, and indicators with measurable targets to monitor progress.

Coordinated by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) through the Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) the Plan was developed collaboratively by more than 20 federal agency partners. Stakeholders and the public had significant input into the development of this plan, through a variety of opportunities for public comment. The Viral Hepatitis Plan is a whole-of-nation plan. It is intended to serve as a comprehensive, data-driven roadmap for federal and other stakeholders to reverse the rates of viral hepatitis, prevent new infections, improve care and treatment and ultimately eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat in the United States. Its success depends on the active participation and coordinated action from a broad mix of stakeholders from various sectors, both public and private.

OIDP will continue to lead coordination of federal implementation of the Viral Hepatitis Plan. Other stakeholders are encouraged to develop implementation plans for viral hepatitis-related issues within their purview.

Read the Viral Hepatitis Plan and learn more about it.

Learn more about the goals, priorities, and stakeholders involved in the Plan.

Developing the Next National Viral Hepatitis Strategy Tile

Developing the Plan

Learn about the national strategic planning efforts to facilitate a robust and coordinated response to viral hepatitis in the United States.

Vision and Goals

Read about the Viral Hepatitis Plan's vision, goals, and objectives.

Priority Populations

Learn more about the populations disproportionately impacted by viral hepatitis.

Plan Resources

Find communication materials to share information about the Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan.

Webinars, Videos and Training

View a listing of videos, webinars, and online training opportunities for both the public and healthcare providers.

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Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed on January 4, 2021