Monitoring Progress of the Viral Hepatitis Action Plan

The cross-agency work group focused on implementing the Action Plans has continued to meet regularly to monitor progress, strategize about overcoming obstacles, and identify and capitalize on new opportunities or address emerging needs. Progress highlights from both federal and nonfederal stakeholders are often shared through blog posts on this site.

Annual Progress Reports

In addition, the federal partners have collaborated on annual progress reports, highlighting accomplishments in implementing the Action Plans:

Nonfederal stakeholder action is also key to achieving the goals of the Action Plan.

Measuring Progress

The 2014-2016 Action Plan (5 MB) introduced several progress measures selected to support accountability and transparency as well as aid in monitoring and measuring the results of implementing the Action Plan.

The 2017-2020 Action Plan (3 MB) built upon the progress measures previously introduced, utilizing 17 indicators to monitor progress toward national goals. Further description of each of the indicators, the data source, recent trends, and annual targets for 2014 - 2020 is available in Appendix A of the Action Plan (beginning on page 58).

Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed on January 4, 2021