Featured Priority: Adult Immunization

Adult vaccination rates remain low in the United States. This leaves adults vulnerable to the heavy toll vaccine-preventable diseases take on health and productivity. We work with partners so more adults can get the vaccines recommended for them.

National Adult Immunization Plan and Path to Implementation

To boost adult immunization rates, the first-ever National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) was released in 2016. This plan includes input from diverse stakeholders and outlines national strategies to:

  • Overcome barriers to adult immunization
  • Strengthen vaccination infrastructure
  • Improve adult vaccination rates

Its companion document, National Adult Immunization Plan: A Path to Implementation:

  • Facilitates action on the goals outlined in the NAIP
  • Identifies 8 implementation priorities
  • Suggests ways to support each priority

Making Adult Immunization Routine

To reinforce immunization as a routine part of health care, the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) updated the Standards for Adult Immunization Practice in 2013. These standards encourage providers to:

  • Assess adults’ immunization needs at every clinical encounter
  • Strongly recommend necessary vaccines
  • Administer recommended vaccines or refer patients to the appropriate provider
  • Document the vaccines patients receive in a state or local vaccine registry

National Adult Immunization and Influenza Summit

OIDP co-chairs the National Adult Immunization and Influenza Summit in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Immunization Action Coalition (IAC). Key summit goals include:

  • Expanding access to vaccines for adults
  • Reducing health disparities in adult immunization
  • Developing strategies for educating providers and patients
  • Establishing standard ways to measure progress toward adult immunization goals

Related Resources

Explore these additional resources related to adult immunization:

Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed on April 30, 2021