Featured Priorities

The National Vaccine Program identifies priorities that are central to improving the vaccination system in the United States. This work requires both focused attention and extensive coordination among federal and non-federal partners. The featured priorities listed below may change over time in step with changes in the immunization landscape. Our current featured priorities are: adult immunization, vaccine confidence, HPV vaccination, and vaccine safety.

Adult Immunization

Vaccines are safe, effective, and widely available — but adult vaccination rates remain low in the United States. NVPO works with partners to improve adult vaccination rates. Learn more about adult immunization.

HPV Vaccination

Despite the availability of a safe and effective human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, not enough young people are fully vaccinated against HPV. This leaves them at risk for a number of cancers caused by HPV later in life. We work with vaccination and cancer prevention partners to strengthen HPV vaccination efforts across the nation. Learn more about HPV vaccination.

Vaccine Confidence

Public trust in vaccines is key to keeping our communities healthy. We work with partners to strengthen public trust in vaccines. Learn more about vaccine confidence.

Vaccine Innovation

The U.S. vaccine enterprise is well established and has been successful at bringing innovative and new and improved vaccines to the market. However, challenges to innovation have increased for remaining infectious disease targets. We work with partners to support vaccine innovation. Learn more about vaccine innovation.

Vaccine Safety

The continued success of vaccines depends on a strong vaccine safety system. We work with partners to support vaccine safety monitoring and research. Learn more about vaccine safety.

Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed on March 22, 2016