Goal 2: Improve Access to Adult Vaccines

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The National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) aims to improve access to adult vaccinations and to identify solutions to ongoing challenges. However, the inability to access vaccines is a commonly cited barrier to increasing adult vaccination, so understanding and reducing these barriers is an important objective of the NAIP.

Goal 2 Objectives

The following four objectives, and a number of sub-objectives detailed further in the NAIP, were developed to improve access to adult vaccines. The first, second, and third objectives, in bold below, were chosen in the National Adult Immunization Plan: A Path to Implementation as three of eight implementation priorities.

  • Reduce financial barriers for individuals who receive recommended adult vaccines.
  • Assess and improve understanding of providers’ financial barriers to delivering vaccinations, including stocking and administering vaccines.
  • Expand the adult immunization provider network.
  • Ensure a reliable supply of vaccines and the ability to track vaccine inventories, including during public health emergencies.

Goal 2 Priority Measures

The implementation of this plan demands regular monitoring and documentation of progress, challenges, and opportunities. Therefore, the following baseline indicators were selected to measure progress in the NAIP and will inform future implementation and quality improvement efforts.

  • Percentage of states and territories that allow pharmacists to adminster routinely recommended vaccines for adults aged 19 and older without a patient-specific prescription
  • Percentage of internists and family physicians who stock vaccines routinely recommended for adults
  • Percentage of state Medicaid programs that provide coverage of all ACIP/CDC recommended vaccines for adults and prohibit cost-sharing

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Adult getting vaccinated

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Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed on February 5, 2016