NVAC Members

Members serve a pivotal role by providing peer review, consultation, advice, and recommendations to the Assistant Secretary for Health, who serves as the Director of the National Vaccine Program on matters related to the Program’s responsibilities.

Current Voting Members

Voting members are Special Government Employees and are subject to conflict of interest laws and regulations.

NVAC Chair: Robert H. Hopkins, Jr.

NVAC Chair: Robert H. Hopkins, Jr., MD
TERM: 2/7/2017 to 2/7/2021
NVAC’s Chair, Robert H. Hopkins, Jr., is professor of internal medicine and pediatrics and director of the Division of General Internal Medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in Little Rock, AR. He is also associate program director of the UAMS internal medicine-pediatrics combined residency and Chief of Adult Medicine at Arkansas Children's Hospital. Read more about our current NVAC Chair.

Debra Blog, MD
TERM: 2/21/2020 - 2/11/2024

Melody Anne Butler, RN, BSN
TERM: 2/7/2017 to 2/7/2021

Tim Cooke, PhD (Representative)
TERM: 3/9/2020 to 3/8/2023

John Dunn, MD, MPH
TERM: 2/8/2020 to 2/7/2023

Kristen Ehresmann, RN, MPH
TERM: 6/8/2020 to 6/7/2024

David Fleming, MD
TERM: 3/8/2020 to 3/7/2023

Leonard Friedland, MD (Representative)
TERM: 2/8/20 to 2/7/2023

Daniel F. Hoft, MD, PhD
TERM: 6/8/20 to 6/7/2024

Molly Howell, MPH
TERM: 2/12/2020 to 2/11/2024

Mary Anne Jackson, MD
TERM: 2/8/2017 to 2/8/2021

Melissa Martinez, MD
TERM: 2/8/2017 to 2/8/2021

H. Cody Meissner, MD
TERM: 2/8/2017 to 2/8/2021

Robert Schechter, MD, MSc
TERM: 2/12/2020 to 2/11/2024

Geeta Swamy, MD
TERM: 2/8/2017 to 2/8/2021

Robert Swanson, MPH
TERM: 6/8/2020 to 6/7/2024

Liaison Representatives

The liaison representatives are non-voting members of the advisory council. They are not government employees and are therefore not subject to federal ethics regulations.

Ex Officio Members

Federal ex officio members are regular Government Employees and are therefore subject to ethics regulations issues by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, including annual confidential financial disclosure and ethics training.


Designated Federal Officer

NVAC Designated Federal Official: Ann Aikin, MA

Ann Aikin is with the Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy at HHS.

Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed on November 17, 2020