Vision and Goals

The Vaccines National Strategic Plan 2021-2025 (Vaccine Plan) provides a five-year roadmap for the coordination of vaccine development and use in the United States.The plan focuses on policies related to routinely used vaccines to prevent diseases in the United States across the lifespan of people who receive vaccines. This includes vaccines routinely recommended for the general population and specific populations such as people with medical conditions.

The goal-oriented objectives and strategies can be implemented by a broad mix of stakeholders. The order in which the goals, objectives, strategies, and indicators are presented do not indicate prioritization. The objectives and strategies offered in the Vaccine Plan are intertwined and overlapping and may be used to make progress toward more than one goal.

The following is a snapshot of the vision, goals, and objectives areas of the Vaccine Plan.


The United States will be a place where vaccine-preventable diseases are eliminated through safe and effective vaccination over the lifespan.


In pursuit of this vision, the Vaccine Plan establishes five goals and their associated objectives are:

Goal 1: Foster innovation in vaccine development and related technologies.

Objective 1.1: Support the development of innovative, safe, and effective vaccines to prevent infectious diseases of public health significance.

Objective 1.2: Support the development and uptake of technologies to improve vaccine manufacturing, storage, distribution, and delivery mechanisms.

Goal 2: Maintain the highest possible levels of vaccine safety.

Objective 2.1: Minimize preventable vaccine-related adverse events.

Objective 2.2: Improve the timely detection and assessment of vaccine safety signals to inform public health policy and clinical practice.

Objective 2.3: Increase awareness, understanding, and usability of the vaccine safety system for providers, policymakers, and the public.

Goal 3: Increase knowledge of and confidence in routinely recommended vaccines.

Objective 3.1: Counter vaccine mis- and disinformation and increase public support for the individual and societal benefits of vaccination.

Objective 3.2: Increase provider capacity to promote knowledge of the benefits of immunization and increased vaccine acceptance by the public.

Objective 3.3: Ensure key decision- and policymakers receive accurate and timely information on vaccines and strategies to promote vaccine uptake.

Objective 3.4: Reduce disparities and inequities in vaccine confidence and acceptance.

Goal 4: Increase access to and use of all routinely recommended vaccines.

Objective 4.1: Increase the availability of vaccines in a variety of settings.

Objective 4.2: Reduce disparities and inequities in access to and use of routinely recommended vaccines across the lifespan.

Objective 4.3: Strengthen data infrastructure, including Immunization Information Systems, to track vaccine coverage in the United States and conduct surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases.

Objective 4.4: Reduce financial and systems barriers for providers to facilitate delivery of routinely recommended vaccines.

Objective 4.5: Reduce financial and systems barriers for the public to facilitate access to routinely recommended vaccines.

Objective 4.6: Promote public-private partnerships to increase the capacity of the health system to deliver vaccines for routine use and protection during outbreaks.

Goal 5: Protect the health of the nation by supporting global immunization efforts.

Objective 5.1: Support vaccine research and development to address vaccine-preventable diseases of global public health importance.

Objective 5.2: Support global partners in efforts to combat vaccine misinformation, disinformation, and hesitancy worldwide.

Objective 5.3: Support global partners to strengthen immunization systems.

Objective 5.4: Increase coordination of global immunization efforts across federal agencies and with global partners.

Learn more about the Vaccine Plan or download the plan to read it.

Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed on January 19, 2021