Monthly EAP Campaigns

FOH offers monthly behavioral health campaigns to raise awareness of various mental and emotional well-being and work-life issues. Among the campaign resources are the Solutions newsletter and a flyer with a matching theme.

2021 Campaigns

September 2021 — Understanding Addictive Behavior

The word addiction conjures up images of alcohol or substance abuse. These are examples of addiction, but there are also behaviors that may become addictions. Tobacco, gaming, internet use, gambling, sex, and shopping can also be addictive. The path from habit to addiction is typically gradual and leads to continuing a behavior despite its harmful consequences. In other words, an activity that begins as an outlet or a method of comfort can become compulsive, difficult to manage, and interfere with relationships, work, and daily life. What was once a soothing habit, assumes more and more prominence and one can feel helpless when trying to control it. It’s important to recognize the signs of harmful patterns that can lead to addictive behaviors so that you can turn these around or get help.

FREE Webinar: Habit or Addiction: What's the Difference?

Join this month's live, interactive webinar, Habit or Addiction: What's the Difference? on: Wednesday, September 8, 2021, from 1 to 2p.m. ET. Space is limited, so register today.

Register for the Webinar

August 2021 — The Flourishing Family

There are few things more complicated or rewarding than family. While all families are different, what makes one thrive and another one falter comes down to the same fundamental elements: boundaries, respect, and communication. The way family members interact with, relate to, love, and support one another contributes to the overall dynamic. Form better bonds and watch your family thrive with the help of your Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

FREE Webinar: Family Secrets Revealed: Simple Truths about Healthy Family Dynamics

Join this month's live, interactive webinar, Family Secrets Revealed: Simple Truths about Healthy Family Dynamics, on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, from 1 to 2p.m. ET. Space is limited, so register today.

July 2021 — Recalculate Your Financial Prowess

You don’t need to be an accountant to be skilled at managing your money. What you do need is to be financially literate, which means understanding the basics of financial management and having the skills to make smart choices with your money. By educating yourself on the fundamentals of finance, you can save and invest with confidence, make better financial decisions, and escape future money mistakes.

FREE Webinar: Finance Fundamentals: Reduce Risk and Take Control of Your Future
Join this month's live, interactive webinar, Finance Fundamentals: Reduce Risk and Take Control of Your Future, on Wednesday, July 14, 2021, from 1 to 2p.m. ET. Space is limited, so register today.

June 2021 — Raising Resilient Children

Because life is full of challenges, setbacks, disappointment, loss, and hardships, resilience is one of the most important life skills a person can develop. You might even say that life is a series of resilience tests that start just after we’re born; yet, whether we ace or fail those tests—and all the pop quizzes in between—depends in large part on how we’re nurtured in childhood. Children aren’t naturally resilient, they learn to be, and the earlier they begin learning and practicing how to work through dilemmas and swerve around curveballs, the better equipped they’ll be to bounce back from the difficult stuff all their life. Keep reading for guidance on how you can begin to raise a more resilient child who’s able to handle uncertainty, problem-solve, and make decisions with confidence.

FREE Webinar: The Art of Parenting Younger Kids
Join this month's live, interactive webinar, The Art of Parenting Younger Kids, on Wednesday, June 9, 2021, from 1 to 2p.m. ET. Space is limited, so register today.

May 2021 — Making Conflict a Conversation

Disagreements are inevitable and we encounter conflict on a regular basis. A simple dispute can quickly turn into a heated argument which can only make things worse. Let’s see how we can turn that confrontation into a respectful conversation for a more productive outcome.

April 2021 — Lock in Your Legacy

Many people put off, or even avoid thinking about, preparing a will. Some may believe that they’re too young or feel too healthy and that it’s too soon to plan for their own death. Others may assume that they don’t own anything of value, so there’s no point. Or they believe the process will take care of itself and that their money and possessions will automatically be split equally among immediate family members. However, estate planning is about more than preparing a will and distributing assets after you die. Having an organized legal plan that protects your wishes, finances, and property is crucial to your family’s future.

March 2021 — Persevere Under Pressure

In life, challenges and setbacks are everywhere. Whether big or small, what gets in the way of your plans can leave you scrambling, and you may need to reconsider your goals. The ability to rise above obstacles and overcome the unforeseen is an important quality that can mean the difference between stopping short and achieving success. While it isn’t always easy to muscle through life’s adversities, your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can help you learn the skills needed to brave what tomorrow may bring.

February 2021 — Caregiving: Your Shared Journey

Tending to the needs of someone you love can be a rewarding experience. There can be a flipside to that experience, however, when constantly focusing on another’s needs comes at the expense of your own well-being. When you’re always playing catch-up to try and get everything done, or find yourself going through the motions to survive the day, you—and most likely your loved one—can end up feeling deprived of opportunities to connect, make memories, and to be present with one another. Make caregiving less taxing while also enjoying your time together with helpful tips from your Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

January 2021 — Stabilize Your Finances for an In-Flux Future

Last year was unique and challenging in many ways. At one point or another, many of us weathered a storm of questions around money and the future of our money. Some of us may have come to the realization that perhaps we’re not as financially stable as we thought we were or should be—crisis or not. With such uncertainty and a financial forecast that’s still cloudy even as we enter a new year, it’s important to have an umbrella on hand to shelter your finances and your future from being left out in the rain. Here are some tips from a few financial experts.

2020 Campaigns

December 2020 — Your Happy Place

Happiness is a state of well-being that we all strive to experience, though many of us struggle to explain what it means to be truly happy. In general, we might all agree that happiness is a positive emotion, or how we feel at a particular moment in time, yet genuine happiness is a little more difficult to describe. Discovering what genuine happiness is for yourself may come from having a sense of meaning and purpose, deep satisfaction, and profound contentment. In the midst of such challenging times it can be especially hard to stay positive and focus on being happy, but there are some valuable—and smart—reasons why we need to try. Learn about the benefits and see how you can invite more delight into your life and feel more fulfilled each day.

November 2020 — Keep Workplace Bullies at Bay

Kids aren’t the only ones who experience bullies. People who aim to intimidate, harm, or prey on others whom they perceive as vulnerable are all around us, even at work. Whether you’ve seen it happen to a coworker, or you’ve been the target of such behavior yourself, workplace bullying takes a toll on the victim, witnesses, and the organization. It affects job performance and morale, creates physical and mental health risks, and can cost employers money, time, resources, and valued personnel. Learn how to identify bullying behavior in the workplace, what you can do, and where to turn for help.

October 2020 — Attending to Aging Loved Ones

While we understand that aging is an inevitable aspect of life, how it will affect our older loved ones and what it will entail for us is difficult to know. We tend to think of aging in terms of the distant future, using words like eventually, someday, and one of these days when considering the prospect of becoming a caregiver. Unfortunately, though, getting older doesn't just happen in one day and caregiving often sneaks up slowly over time. And for many adults, looking after an older family member exists in parallel to taking care of their own children. Although caregiving can be stressful and exhausting at times, you don't have to do it alone. Get the support you need from your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and discover just how rewarding the caregiving experience can be for you and your older loved ones.

September 2020 — The Invisible Illness

Many health conditions and the characteristics that define them are evident, either because they are physically visible or because they can be verified through biopsies, scans, or other medical testing. Some illnesses, however, aren't as easily observable by others, particularly those related to mental health. And, unfortunately, we tend to better comprehend what we can see, which often leads to those who suffer from mental illness being misunderstood, judged, or the object of skepticism. With millions of people in the U.S. affected by mental illness each year, it's imperative to break the stigma. Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is here to reveal the facts, help you see what it really means to live with mental illness, and offer advice for seeking support.

August 2020 — Supporting Your Child in School

As the summer draws to a close, parents and kids are usually abuzz with feelings of excitement and anticipation as they prepare for the new school year. This year, however, those feelings may be more akin to anxiety and concern around the unknown. And that’s understandable because, even in the most normal of times, each school year potentially brings about challenges for students and parents. Testing requirements change, homework gets more difficult, and the pressure to do well increases with each passing semester. Whether your child must continue learning from a distance or they’re able to return to school grounds, your evolving role in their education is vital. It’s important that you educate yourself about how kids learn, the challenges they face, and the signs that may indicate that they’re struggling. As such, we encourage you to rely on your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to help support you in your roles as a concerned parent and as an acting at-home teacher.

July 2020 — The Finance Fight

Some say it isn't polite to discuss money, yet it's one of the most friction-inducing topics among couples. From differing attitudes, spending habits, and saving styles, to mismatched priorities and financial infidelity, money is one subject where you can't afford to agree to disagree. Your EAP is here to help you have an open, honest conversation about finances before it costs you your relationship.

June 2020 — Being There

When someone we love or care about is struggling, going through a hard time, or grieving in some way, wanting to help and comfort them is a natural response. What isn’t always natural, however, is knowing what it means to truly be there for someone. We think we know how to offer support, but some of us may wonder, “Do I really?” Our intentions are in the right place but supporting someone is sometimes more difficult to navigate than expected, especially when the person is dealing with something that we haven’t personally experienced. Before rushing in to help, consider ways to become a more compassionate, respectful source of support for the people you care about.

May 2020 — Upgrade Your Social Skills

With rapidly advancing technology at the helm, the way we communicate has - for better or worse - transformed significantly in recent decades. Long gone are the days of handwritten letters. And, it seems that face-to-face interactions and phone calls have become less frequent. Instead, we opt for more passive and, at times, more convenient communication methods like writing emails, sending text messages, and catching up with friends through social media. For all of the incredible benefits that a digital world affords us, the lack of authentic interaction could be hindering our socialization and communication with others.

April 2020 — Show Retirement Who's Boss

One of the benefits of being retired is that you finally get to be in charge and spend your time however you choose. But before you declare that every day will be Saturday once you're the boss, prepare for your future role as the CEO of your golden years by thinking of your retirement as though it's a business you intend to start. You'll need a strategy, a budget, healthcare coverage, and some vacation time. You may even consider hiring or appointing a few trusted individuals to help you manage specific matters like finances or your estate. So, before you clock out for the last time - whenever that may be - get to work on your long-term plan.

March 2020 — Reignite Your Passion and Avoid Burnout

At the start of a new job, we tend to feel passionate about the work, eager to dive into each day, and find gratification in contributing to the agency’s mission. Over time, however, things can change – whether the workload increases, and we become overwhelmed and stressed, or we find that we’re no longer challenged by or interested in the work, which in turn leads to disengagement and boredom. In either case, the result is burnout, which is a state of physical and emotional exhaustion that can negatively affect stress levels, productivity, and overall well-being. Find out whether you’re at risk of burnout and what you can do about it.

February 2020 — Tap into Your Talents

We all feel pressure to be perfect at times. Whether that pressure is real or perceived, deep down we want to be successful, perform well, and be admired or respected. The reality, however, is that there are some things we’re just never going to be good at no matter how hard we try. So often, we buy in to the notion that we must continually work on bettering ourselves, and while doing so is certainly a positive thing, the concept of improvement implies that our current self doesn’t quite measure up. Instead of fixating on what we aren’t great at, what if we shifted the focus to our strengths and unique skills and leveraged what we are good at to achieve real success?

January 2020 — Living an Intentional Lifestyle

Most of us move through each day reacting to the things, people, and situations we encounter. We perform tasks and make decisions, giving little or no thought to what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and most importantly, why. Living your life on autopilot in this way means it’s probably passing you by. But what if, instead of letting life happen to you each day, you choose to make each day mean something to you? Start living a life of your own design with the help of your EAP.

Manager's Corner

Supervisors Need Support, Too

As a comprehensive resource designed to provide information, support, and guidance whenever work or personal issues arise, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is one of the most valuable benefits available to your agency’s employees. An often-overlooked aspect of the EAP, however, is that it pulls double duty for managers and supervisors. Not only is the program here for you as an employee, it’s got you covered as a leader to help you maneuver the unique demands, situations, and challenges you face. Your agency depends on you to further its mission, and your employees rely on you for consistent leadership. Because you’re there for all of them, your EAP is here for you.

Problem-Solving Consultations: A Resource for Supervisors

Join this month's live, interactive webinar, Problem-Solving Consultations: A Resource for Supervisors, on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET. Space is limited, so register today.
Register for the Webinar

Additional Resources

Navigating the Seas of Change (June 2021): Newsletter | Flyer 
Curbing Confirmation Bias (March 2021): Newsletter | Flyer
Mental Health Awareness (December 2020): Newsletter | Flyer
Recognition/Reward (September 2020): Newsletter | Flyer
Unwind (June 2020): Newsletter | Flyer
Be a Change Champion (March 2020): Newsletter | Flyer
The Challenging Employee (December 2019): Newsletter | Flyer
Safe and Respectful (September 2019): The Civil Workplace: Newsletter | Flyer
The Emotionally Intelligent Manager (June 2019): Newsletter | Flyer
Unify Your Team (March 2019): Newsletter | Flyer
Intelligently Manage Your Emotions (December 2018): Newsletter | Flyer
Manage Your Day (September 2018): Newsletter | Flyer
Manage Harmoniously through Effective Communication (June 2018): Newsletter | Flyer
Optimize Your Potential (March 2018): Newsletter | Flyer
Employee Engagement (December 2017): Newsletter | Flyer
Employee Retention (September 2017)
Supporting Employees in Times of Change (June 2017)
Being a Balanced Leader (March 2017)
Being a Mindful Leader (December 2016)
Managing Change (September 2016)

The EAP is a voluntary and confidential employee benefit available to you and your family at no cost. Call our EAP experts or visit today.

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Content created by Program Support Center (PSC)
Content last reviewed