Ignite Accelerator Projects

The HHS Ignite Accelerator is an internal innovation startup program for staff within the Department that want to improve the way their program, office, or agency works. The program provides selected teams methodological coaching and technical guidance within a fast-paced, entrepreneurial framework.

People working at tables with stickie notes

Let Your Ideas Take Off

The Ignite Accelerator supports projects that will help the Department to deliver on its mission. Learn more.


Bridging the gap between early stage companies funded by the NIH and the right partners to move their products forward
Project Supported By:
Executing and evaluating 48 hour event where game developers competed to prototype – and for the winners, eventually launch – games that focused on the primary
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Piloting an NIH substance tracking system at the FDA to serve as the central clearing house for ingredients in medical products.
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Prototyping an app that makes vaccination information digital and portable.
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Earlier detection of patient harms using big data techniques on electronic health records (EHRs) free text notes.
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Identifying specific challenges to the public access policy for research data at HHS.
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Scaling & operationalizing an online portal to open-source data and tools for discovering, creating & sharing 3D-printable models related to biomedical science
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Finding a Cure for Data Dysfunction
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Liberating ACF’s existing Native American data to improve reporting and understanding of Native children, families, and communities.
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Improving patient input in AHRQ’s report-making process.
Project Supported By:


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Content created by Office of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Content last reviewed on October 17, 2018