Ignite Accelerator Projects

The HHS Ignite Accelerator is an internal innovation startup program for staff within the Department that want to improve the way their program, office, or agency works. The program provides selected teams methodological coaching and technical guidance within a fast-paced, entrepreneurial framework.

People working at tables with stickie notes

Let Your Ideas Take Off

The Ignite Accelerator supports projects that will help the Department to deliver on its mission. Learn more.


Re-designing how to communicate and visualize NIH’s wellness information.
Project Supported By:
Helping Native American communities most in need apply for the grants they're eligible for.
Project Supported By:
Exploring ways to transfer and combine EHR and contextual population level data to create robust data visualization tools that will help support decision-making
Project Supported By:
Reducing time and saving money by creating an online entry system for several FOIA requesters.
Creating a sustainable collaborative approach for delivery of meaningful resources and support to Head Start and Child Care Grantees.
Project Supported By:
Testing a new technology and approach to understanding user-behavior for improved digital communications.
Project Supported By:
Creating communities of practice among grantees of the Administration for Native Americans.
Project Supported By:
Piloting various processes to improve internal communications and stay better connected to Regional stakeholder needs.
Project Supported By:
Exploring how to improve the Teen Pregnancy Prevention grantee experience across three federal Agencies (CDC, OASH, and ACF).
Project Supported By:
Improving access to health and healing at Phoenix Indian Medical Center (PIMC).
Project Supported By:


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Content created by Office of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Content last reviewed on October 17, 2018