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Caregiver Resources & Long-Term Care

Family caregivers play an important role in the lives of their loved ones. In-home assistance, community programs, or residential facilities enable you to stay active and accomplish everyday tasks. There are many resources available to help older adults continue to live in their homes and participate in their communities.

Chart showing living arrangements for people receiving long-term care. 18% are living in an institution. 82% are living in the community.

Caregiver Resources

Get Support If You are a Caregiver
Easy-to-understand caregiver information for people who may have limited experience using the Internet and/or struggle with health literacy.

So Far Away: Twenty Questions and Answers About Long-Distance Caregiving - PDF
If you live an hour or more away from a person who needs care, you can think of yourself as a long-distance caregiver. Read about long-distance caregiving.

National Family Caregiver Support Program
Find resources and useful links to support you and our caregiving responsibilities.

Federal Resources for Caregivers
Resources provided for caregivers by Federal agencies.

Information & Assistance

Eldercare Locator
Using your ZIP code or city and state, find resources in your community that provide information and assistance for older adults and caregivers.

Alternatives to Nursing Homes
A nursing home may not be your only option for long-term care. Before you make any decisions about long term care, get as much information as you can about where you might live and what help you may need.

Medicare.gov: Home Health Compare
Compare Medicare-certified home health agencies. Home health care provides a wide range of health care services for an illness or injury.

Medicare.gov: Nursing Home Compare
Compare information about Medicare- and Medicaid-certified nursing homes in the United States.

Planning for Long-Term Care

Approximately 70% of people turning age 65 can expect to use some form of long-term care during their lives. Get guidance on how to put your long-term care plan in place.

There's No Place like Home—For Growing Old
With the right help, you may be able to stay in your own home and be more independent as you get older. Get the resources and support you need.

Find out what coverage you qualify for with Medicaid: the largest public payer for long-term care services. 

Health Information Counseling
State Health Information and Assistance Programs (SHIPs) offer counseling on how to make the best use of your Medicare, Medi-gap, and long-term care insurance.  

Area Agencies on Aging
Search this local directory for information about the aging programs and services available in your area.

American Indian and Alaska Native Care
The American Indian and Alaska Native Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Technical Assistance Center works with CMS to provide resources for American Indian and Alaska Native elders and their communities.

Aging at Home: A Guide for Home Improvements - PDF
Tips for modifying your home to be more accessible helps prevent falls and injuries, and provides peace of mind for you and those around you.

Veteran's Services

Elderly Veterans
As Veterans age, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides benefits and services that address a variety of issues including financial challenges and the changing health risks they face through VA benefits and health services.

Geriatrics and Extended Care (GEC)
GEC optimizes the health and well-being of Veterans with multiple chronic conditions, life-limiting illness, frailty, or disability associated with chronic disease, aging, or injury.

Guide to Long-Term Care
This guide provides information about long-term care options, home and community based, and in residential settings for Veterans.

VA Caregiver Support
The VA provides programs—both in and out of your home—for caregivers of Veterans.

End of Life

Advance Directives
What kind of medical care would you want if you were too ill to express your wishes? These legal documents allow you to spell out your decisions about end-of-life care ahead of time.

Shopping for Funeral Services
Know your rights as a consumer and what to keep in mind when making funeral arrangements.

Donate the Gift of Life
Learn more about organ, eye, and tissue donation.

Providing Comfort and Care
Comfort care is an essential part of medical care at the end of life. It is care that helps or soothes a person who is dying.

Content created by Digital Communications Division (DCD)
Content last reviewed