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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing Plans by State and Jurisdiction

This page contains state testing plans that are part of the government response to the Coronavirus pandemic. These plans set specific targets for COVID-19 testing in each jurisdiction.

Developing State Testing Plans

In early April, governors in each state designated teams to develop testing plans, working with subject matter experts from HHS and FEMA. On May 30, these teams submitted their May-June plans. On July 10, the teams submitted their July-December plans. Both plans are available to view on this page.

Your State or Jurisdiction’s Testing Plan

A group of experts from CDC and the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) have reviewed the plans and provided feedback. Learn more about the testing plan instructions. - PDF

Supporting Testing Targets

To support these testing targets, the federal government will procure testing supplies that are in short supply, such as swabs and transport media, and distribute them to each jurisdiction. The federal government will also support the laboratory reagents needs of each state and advise commercial suppliers on their allocation. Finally, CDC staff will work with each state to provide technical assistance for plan implementation, including flexible testing strategies and contact tracing.

Disclaimer: The list of platforms or devices in Table 1.b has been removed as it is deemed confidential.


Population: 751,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 27,645 0 27,645
June 36,550 0 36,550
July 85,000 96 85,096
August 85,000 1,500 86,500
September 85,000 1,500 86,500
October 85,000 1,500 86,500
November 85,000 1,000 86,500
December 85,000 1,000 86,500
TOTAL 574,195 7,596 581,791


Population: 4,903,185

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 98,064 - 98,064
June 98,064 - 98,064
July 98,064 - 98,064
August 98,064 - 98,064
September 98,064 - 98,064
October 98,064 - 98,064
November 98,064 500 98,564
December 98,064 500 98,564
TOTAL 784,512 1000 785,512

American Samoa

Population: 55,519

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 150 - 150
June 500 700 1,200
July 500 700 1,200
August - - -
September - - -
October - - -
November - - -
December - - -
TOTAL 1,150 1,400 1,550


Population: 7,189,020

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 87,00 58,00 145,000
June 72,500 72,500 145,000
July 72,500 72,500 145,000
August 36,250 108,750 145,000
September 72,500 72,500 145,000
October 108,750 36,250 145,000
November 108,750 36,250 145,000
December 108,750 36,250 145,000
TOTAL 667,000 493,000 1,160,000


Population: 3,018,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 8,694 - 8,694
June 19,067 - 19,067
July 39,370 - 39,370
August 39,370 - 39,370
September 39,370 - 39,370
October 39,370 5,000 44,370
November 39,370 10,000 49,370
December 39,370 10,000 49,370
TOTAL 263,981 25,000 288,981


Population: 39,510,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 1,350,000 250,000 1,600,000
June 1,800,000 575,000 2,375,000
July 2,620,000 604,000 3,224,000
August 3,060,000 634,000 3,694,000
September 3,500,000 666,000 4,166,000
October 3,640,000 699,000 4,339,000
November 3,790,000 734,000 4,524,000
December 3,950,000 771,000 4,721,000
TOTAL 23,710,000 4,933,000 28,643,000


Population: 2,700,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 135,000 7,500 142,500
June 148,500 8,250 156,750
July 163,350 9,075 172,425
August 179,685 9,983 189,668
September 197,654 10,981 208,634
October 217,419 12,079 229,498
November 239,161 13,287 252,447
December 263,077 14,615 277,692
TOTAL 1,543,845 85,770 1,629,615


Population: 5,758,736

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 300,000 0 300,000
June 309,000 0 309,000
July 327,000 0 327,000
August 345,000 0 345,000
September 360,000 15,000 375,000
October 525,000 15,000 540,000
November 525,000 15,000 540,000
December 525,000 15,000 540,000
TOTAL 3,216,000 60,000 3,276,000

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Population: 55,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 3,100 0 3,100
June 3,255 0 3,255
July 3,418 0 3,418
August 3,589 0 3,589
September 3,768 0 3,768
October 3,956 0 3,956
November 4,154 0 4,154
December 4,362 0 4,362
TOTAL 29,602 0 29,602


Population: 3,565,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 141,996 24,054 166,050
June 230,208 22,204 252,412
July 400,000 50,000 450,000
August 400,000 50,000 450,000
September 500,000 200,000 700,000
October 700,000 200,500 900,500
November 700,000 300,000 1,000,000
December 1,000,000 500,000 1,500,000
TOTAL 4,072,204 1,346,758 5,418,962


Population: 1,000,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 15,000 0 15,000
June 20,000 500 20,500
July 30,000 2,500 32,500
August 40,000 5,000 45,000
September 50,000 10,000 60,000
October 60,000 10,000 70,000
November 70,000 10,000 80,000
December 80,000 10,000 90,000
TOTAL 365,000 48,000 413,000

District of Columbia

Population: 705,749

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 15,000 - 15,000
June 20,000 15,000 35,000
July 24,000 6,000 30,000
August 24,000 6,000 30,000
September 24,000 1,000 25,000
October 24,000 1,000 25,000
November 24,000 1,000 25,000
December 24,000 1,000 25,000
TOTAL 179,000 31,000 210,000

Federated States of Micronesia

Population: 110,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 26 0 26
June 26 0 26
July 400 0 400
August 400 0 400
September 500 200 700
October 500 400 900
November 400 500 900
December 400 500 900
TOTAL 2,464 1,600 4,064


Population: 21,000,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 619,005 2,000 621,005
June 940,597 5,000 945,597
July 450,000 5,500 455,500
August 450,000 10,000 460,000
September 450,000 15,000 465,000
October 450,000 20,000 470,000
November 450,000 100,000 550,000
December 450,000 189,000 639,000
TOTAL 4,259,602 346,500 4,606,102


Population: 10,617,423

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 212,348 0 212,348
June 212,348 1,200 213,548
July 245,454 60 245,514
August 280,519 60 280,579
September 315,584 1,020 316,604
October 350,649 60 350,709
November 385,714 60 385,774
December 420,779 1,020 421,799
TOTAL 2,423,395 3,480 2,426,875


Population: 168,322

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 1,500 0 1,500
June 2,000 0 2,000
July 3,500 0 3,500
August 3,500 500 4,000
September 3,500 500 4,000
October 3,500 500 4,000
November 3,500 500 4,000
December 3,500 500 4,000
TOTAL 24,500 2,500 27,000


Population: 1,416,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 15,000 8,700 23,900
June 10,000 10,000 20,000
July 40,000 10,000 50,000
August 45,000 12,000 57,000
September 50,000 15,000 65,000
October 55,000 15,000 70,000
November 60,000 15,000 75,000
December 60,000 15,000 75,000
TOTAL 335,200 100,700 435,900


Population: 2,343,365

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 47,954 0 47,954
June 50,000 0 50,000
July 50,000 TBD 50,000
August 50,000 TBD 50,000
September 50,000 TBD 50,000
October 50,000 TBD 50,000
November 50,000 TBD 50,000
December 50,000 TBD 50,000
TOTAL 397,954 0 397,954


Population: 1,754,198

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 23,000 400 23,400
June 35,377 400 35,777
July 40,000 500 40,500
August 40,000 500 40,500
September 40,000 500 40,500
October 40,000 500 40,500
November 40,000 500 40,500
December 40,000 500 40,500
TOTAL 298,377 3,800 302,177


Population: 12,671,821

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 600,000 - 600,000
June 900,000 - 900,000
July 1,000,000 TBD 1,000,000
August 1,300,000 TBD 1,300,000
September 1,600,000 TBD 1,600,000
October 1,900,000 TBD 1,900,000
November 2,200,000 TBD 2,200,000
December 2,500,000 TBD 2,500,000
TOTAL 12,000,000 0 12,000,000


Population: 6,732,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 150,000 0 150,000
June 193,000 5,000 198,000
July 236,000 0 236,000
August 279,000 0 279,000
September 322,000 5,000 327,000
October 365,000 0 365,000
November 408,000 0 408,000
December 450,000 0 450,000
TOTAL 2,403,000 10,000 2,413,000


Population: 3,155,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 108,838 19,212 128,050
June 147,775 14,677 162,452
July 150,000 15,000 165,000
August 155,000 17,000 172,000
September 165,000 18,000 183,000
October 170,000 19,000 189,000
November 190,000 20,000 210,000
December 210,000 21,000 231,000
TOTAL 1,296,613 143,889 12,143,889


Population: 2,913,314

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 58,300 - 58,300
June 60,000 1,000 61,000
July 60,000 3,000 63,000
August 60,000 6,000 66,000
September 70,000 10,000 80,000
October 90,000 10,000 100,000
November 70,000 10,000 80,000
December 60,000 10,000 70,000
TOTAL 528,300 50,000 578,300


Population: 4,500,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 153,996 20,587 174,583
June 155,671 13,794 169,465
July 191,704 14,472 206,176
August 195,538 15,195 210,733
September 199,448 15,955 215,403
October 203,437 16,753 220,190
November 207,506 17,590 225,096
December 211,656 18,470 230,126
TOTAL 1,518,956 132,816 1,651,772

Los Angeles County

Population: 10,000,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 578,353 - 578,353
June 662,512 - 662,512
July 875,000 1,000 876,000
August 1,100,000 2,500 1,102,500
September 1,100,000 2,500 1,102,500
October 1,100,000 2,500 1,102,500
November 1,100,000 2,500 1,102,500
December 1,100,000 2,500 1,102,500
TOTAL 7,615,865 13,500 7,629,365


Population: 4,660,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 200,000 0 200,000
June 286,689 8,000 294,689
July 190,093 7,000 197,093
August 172,663 7,000 179,663
September 152,385 7,000 159,385
October 163,345 7,000 170,345
November 152,173 7,000 159,173
December 136,467 7,000 143,467
TOTAL 1,453,815 50,000 1,503,815


Population: 1,300,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 33,536 3,112 36,648
June 40,000 4,000 44,000
July 62,000 4,400 66,400
August 120,000 4,800 124,800
September 140,000 5,200 145,200
October 145,000 5,700 150,700
November 140,000 6,200 146,200
December 140,000 6,800 146,800
TOTAL 820,536 40,212 860,748


Population: 6,000,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 200,000 TBD 200,000
June 300,000 TBD 300,000
July 300,000 TBD 300,000
August 600,000 TBD 600,000
September 600,000 TBD 600,000
October 600,000 TBD 600,000
November 600,000 TBD 600,000
December 600,000 TBD 600,000
TOTAL 3,800,000 0 3,800,000


Population: 6,900,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 318,000 35,000 353,000
June 270,500 27,000 297,500
July 248,000 31,000 279,000
August 248,000 31,000 279,000
September 300,000 30,000 330,000
October 620,000 62,000 682,000
November 750,000 60,000 810,000
December 775000 62,000 837,000
TOTAL 3,529,500 338,000 3,867,500


Population: 9,900,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 422,939 91,075 514,014
June 434,599 65,500 500,099
July 600,000 50,000 650,000
August 750,000 50,000 800,000
September 850,000 50,000 900,000
October 900,000 50,000 950,000
November 900,000 50,000 950,000
December 900,000 50,000 950,000
TOTAL 5,757,538 456,575 6,214,113


Population: 5,640,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 186,000 28,000 214,000
June 465,000 100,000 565,000
July 600,000 300,000 900,000
August 675,000 450,000 1,125,000
September 750,000 450,000 1,200,000
October 750,000 450,000 1,200,000
November 750,000 450,000 1,200,000
December 750,000 450,000 1,200,000
TOTAL 4,926,000 2,678,000 7,604,000


Population: 2,989,260

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 75,000 0 75,000
June 90,000 1,300 91,300
July 120,000 1,500 121,500
August 120,000 3,000 123,000
September 120,000 3,000 123,000
October 120,000 3,000 123,000
November 120,000 3,000 123,000
December 120,000 3,000 123,000
TOTAL 885,000 17,800 785,512


Population: 6,137,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 123,000 20,000 143,000
June 159,450 20,000 179,450
July 200,000 25,000 225,000
August 450,000 30,000 480,000
September 450,000 30,000 480,000
October 450,000 30,000 480,000
November 450,000 30,000 480,000
December 450,000 30,000 480,000
TOTAL 2,732,450 215,000 2,947,450


Population: 1,000,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 60,000 - 60,000
June 60,000 - 60,000
July 60,000 5,000 65,000
August 60,000 5,000 65,000
September 60,000 5,000 65,000
October 60,000 5,000 65,000
November 60,000 5,000 65,000
December 60,000 5,000 65,000
TOTAL 480,000 30,000 510,000


Population: 1,900,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 38,700 - 38,700
June 38,700 - 38,700
July 50,000 - 50,000
August 50,000 - 50,000
September 50,000 - 50,000
October 50,000 - 50,000
November 50,000 - 50,000
December 50,000 - 50,000
TOTAL 377,400 0 377,400


Population: 3,160,965

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 1,014,310 0 1,014,310
June 113,674 5,000 118,674
July 107,000 10,000 117,000
August 107,000 13,000 120,000
September 105,000 16,000 121,000
October 107,000 18,000 125,000
November 105,000 23,000 128,000
December 107,000 26,000 133,000
TOTAL 1,765,984 111,000 1,876,984

New Hampshire

Population: 1,370,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 20,000 0 20,000
June 20,000 4,000 24,000
July 39,000 6,000 45,000
August 39,000 10,000 49,000
September 39,000 10,000 49,000
October 52,000 10,000 62,000
November 52,000 10,000 62,000
December 52,000 10,000 62,000
TOTAL 313,000 60,000 373,000

New Jersey

Population: 8,882,190

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 400,000 600 400,600
June 750,000 600 750,600
July 1,000,000 600 1,000,600
August 1,500,000 600 1,500,600
September 2,000,000 600 2,000,600
October 2,000,000 600 2,000,600
November 2,000,000 600 2,000,600
December 2,000,000 600 2,000,600
TOTAL 10,500,000 4,800 10,504,800

New Mexico

Population: 2,100,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 150,000 0 150,000
June 225,150 0 225,150
July 232,500 2,000 234,500
August 232,500 2,000 234,500
September 300.000 5,000 305,000
October 340,000 5,000 345,000
November 360,000 5,000 365,000
December 372,000 5,000 377,000
TOTAL 2,212,150 24,000 2,236,150

New York

Population: 11,000,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 220,000 220,000 440,000
June 220,000 220,000 440,000
July 220,000 220,000 440,000
August 220,000 220,000 440,000
September 220,000 220,000 440,000
October 220,000 220,000 440,000
November 220,000 220,000 440,000
December 220,000 220,000 440,000
TOTAL 1,760,000 1,760,000 3,520,000

New York City

Population: 8,500,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 450,000 230,000 680,000
June 1,120,000 90,000 1,210,000
July 1,400,000 105,000 1,505,000
August 1,400,000 200,000 1,600,000
September 1,800,000 200,000 2,000,000
October 1,800,000 200,000 2,000,000
November 1,800,000 200,000 2,000,000
December 1,800,000 200,000 2,000,000
TOTAL 11,570,000 1,425,000 12,995,000

North Carolina

Population: 10,500,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 210,000 - 210,000
June 300,000 - 300,000
July 500,000 10,000 510,000
August 600,000 23,000 623,000
September 720,000 36,000 756,000
October 864,000 50,000 914,000
November 1,040,000 70,000 1,110,000
December 1,250,000 100,000 1,350,000
TOTAL 5,484,000 289,000 5,773,000

North Dakota

Population: 762,062

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 77,500 1,000 78,500
June 105,000 3,000 108,000
July 124,000 6,200 130,200
August 155,000 9,300 164,300
September 240,000 18,750 258,750
October 248,000 19,375 267,375
November 240,000 18,750 258,750
December 248,000 19,375 267,375
TOTAL 1,437,500 95,750 1,533,250


Population: 11,700,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 255,000 1,000 256,000
June 317,670 15,000 332,670
July 600,000 30,000 630,000
August 750,000 60,000 810,000
September 800,000 120,000 920,000
October 930,000 300,000 1,230,000
November 1,050,000 450,000 1,500,000
December 1,050,000 450,000 1,500,000
TOTAL 5,752,670 1,426,000 7,178,670


Population: 3,957,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 90,000 19,000 109,000
June 100,000 19,000 119,000
July 105,000 19,000 124,000
August 110,000 24,000 134,000
September 115,000 19,000 134,000
October 115,000 24,000 139,000
November 115,000 20,000 135,000
December 115,000 24,000 139,000
TOTAL 865,000 168,000 1,033,000


Population: 4,236,400

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 65,000 - 65,000
June 85,000 900 85,900
July 100,000 - 100,000
August 100,000 1,100 101,100
September 100,000 - 100,000
October 100,000 - 100,000
November 100,000 1,200 101,200
December 100,000 - 100,000
TOTAL 750,000 3,200 753,200


Population: 17,661

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 650 - 650
June 150 50 200
July 500 100 600
August 500 100 600
September 500 100 600
October 500 100 600
November 500 100 600
December 1,000 100 1,100
TOTAL 4,300 650 4,950


Population: 12,801,989

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 256,040 0 256,040
June 256,040 5,000 261,040
July 256,040 32,005 288,045
August 320,050 64,010 384,060
September 512,080 64,010 576,090
October 512,080 128,020 640,099
November 512,080 128,020 640,099
December 512,080 128,020 640,099
TOTAL 3,136,490 549,085 3,685,575


Population: 1,584,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 40,000 - 40,000
June 150,000 500 150,500
July 150,000 500 150,500
August 150,000 500 150,500
September 150,000 500 150,500
October 150,000 500 150,500
November 150,000 500 150,500
December 150,000 500 150,500
TOTAL 1.090.000 3,500 1,093,500

Puerto Rico

Population: 3,200,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 7,700 39,065 46,765
June 10,280 40,000 50,280
July 154,420 84,000 238,420
August 154,420 84,000 238,420
September 154,420 84,000 238,420
October 154,420 84,000 238,420
November 241,100 84,000 325,100
December 241,100 84,000 325,100
TOTAL 1,117,860 583,065 1,700,925

Republic of the Marshall Islands


Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 30 0 30
June 30 0 30
July 100 50 150
August 200 150 350
September 500 150 650
October 1,000 150 1,150
November 1,000 150 1,150
December 1,000 150 1,150
TOTAL 3,860 800 4,660

Rhode Island

Population: 1,059,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 70,000 1,000 71,000
June 100,000 2,000 102,000
July 150,000 5,000 155,000
August 200,000 5,000 205,000
September 250,000 5,000 255,000
October 250,000 5,000 255,000
November 250,000 5,000 255,000
December 250,000 5,000 255,000
TOTAL 1,520,000 33,000 1,553,000

South Carolina

Population: 5,148,714

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 110,000 - 110,000
June 140,000 3,100 143,100
July 140,000 - 140,000
August 140,000 3,100 143,100
September 165,000 - 165,000
October 165,000 - 165,000
November 165,000 3,100 168,100
December 165,000 - 165,000
TOTAL 1,190,000 9,300 1,199,300

South Dakota

Population: 885,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 35,280 44,100 79,380
June 4,410 8,820 13,230
July 55,000 17,700 72,700
August 55,000 26,550 81,550
September 55,000 35,400 90,400
October 55,000 44,250 99,250
November 55,000 53,100 108,100
December 55,000 61,950 116,950
TOTAL 369,690 291,870 661,560


Population: 6,800,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 225,000 - 225,000
June 250,000 12,000 262,000
July - - -
August - - -
September - - -
October - - -
November - - -
December - - -
TOTAL 475,000 12,000 487,000


Population: 29,000,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 600,000 40,000 640,000
June 600,000 55,000 655,000
July 600,000 55,000 655,000
August 600,000 105,000 705,000
September 900,000 210,000 1,110,000
October 900,000 220,000 1,120,000
November 900,0000 190,000 1,090,000
December 900,000 200,000 1,100,000
TOTAL 6,000,000 1,075,000 7,075,000

U.S. Virgin Islands

Population: 106,977

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 1,700 0 1,700
June 1,700 0 1,700
July 2,250 1,800 4,050
August 7,000 1,800 8,800
September 7,000 1,800 8,800
October 7,000 1,800 8,800
November 7,000 1,000 8,800
December 7,000 1,800 8,800
TOTAL 40,650 10,800 51,450


Population: 3,200,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 100,000 5,000 105,000
June 100,000 5,000 105,000
July 120,000 6,000 126,000
August 120,000 6,000 126,000
September 120,000 6,000 126,000
October 120,000 6,000 126,000
November 120,000 6,000 126,000
December 120,000 6,000 126,000
TOTAL 920,000 46,000 966,000


Population: 626,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 26,000 - 26,000
June 30,000 - 30,000
July 35,000 0 35,000
August 36,000 0 36,000
September 37,000 0 37,000
October 38,000 0 38,000
November 39,000 12,000 51,000
December 40,000 12,000 52,000
TOTAL 281,000 24,000 305,000


Population: 8,536,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 200,000 0 200,000
June 300,000 2,800 302,800
July 300,000 35,000 335,000
August 300,000 35,000 335,000
September 340,000 35,000 375,000
October 340,000 35,000 375,000
November 340,000 35,000 375,000
December 340,000 35,000 375,000
TOTAL 2,460,000 212,800 472,800


Population: 7,614,893

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 434,000 0 434,000
June 600,000 0 600,000
July 930,000 0 930,000
August 1,364,000 0 1,364,000
September 1,320,000 0 1,320,000
October 1,364,000 0 1,364,000
November 1,364,000 0 1,364,000
December 1,364,000 0 1,364,000
TOTAL 8,740,000 0 8,740,000

West Virginia

Population: 1,792,147

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 48,800 4,200 53,000
June 54,000 5,200 59,200
July 72,450 5,500 77,950
August 76,950 6,000 82,950
September 82,050 6,500 88,550
October 90,600 7,000 97,600
November 91,500 7,500 99,000
December 86,400 8,000 94,400
TOTAL 602,750 49,900 652,650


Population: 5,800,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 340.000 0 340,000
June 340.000 0 340,000
July 440,000 2,000 442,000
August 600,000 2,000 602,000
September 660,000 2,000 662,000
October 720,000 2,000 722,000
November 800,000 2,000 802,000
December 880,000 2,000 882,000
TOTAL 4,780,000 12,000 4,792,000


Population: 575,000

Number Of Individuals Planned To Be Tested By Month

  Diagnostics Serology Totals
May 12,000 - 12,000
June 18,000 - 18,000
July 24,500 - 24,500
August 39,500 1,000 40,500
September 30,625 2,500 33,125
October 38,250 4,000 42,250
November 40,000 4,500 44,500
December 40,000 5,000 45,000
TOTAL 242,875 17,000 259,875

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Content created by Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)
Content last reviewed on November 25, 2020