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Viral Hepatitis

Viral hepatitis is a serious public health problem and we are losing ground against it. Some states are experiencing increases in hepatitis A and hepatitis B and hepatitis C has increased more than three-fold in the United States. More than 4 million Americans from every state and all walks of life have hepatitis B or hepatitis C. These individuals are at increased risk for serious liver disease, liver cancer, and even death.

We have the tools and we have a roadmap to stop the spread of viral hepatitis and save lives. Join us in the fight as we work toward realizing the vision of the National Viral Hepatitis Action Plan:

The United States will be a place where new viral hepatitis infections have been eliminated, where all people with chronic hepatitis B and C know their status, and everyone with chronic hepatitis B and C has access to high quality health care and curative treatments, free from stigma and discrimination.

Public Comment Period Closed for Draft Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan!

View the draft Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan: A Roadmap to Elimination (2021-2025) (Hepatitis Plan) - PDF and follow instructions in the Federal Register to submit your comments. Comments must be submitted electronically to HepatitisPlanComments@hhs.gov no later than 5:00 pm ET on October 8, 2020, to be considered.

Public Comment Period Closed for Draft STI National Strategic Plan

The Department of Health and Human Services, through its Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, has led development of the first-ever Sexually Transmitted Infections National Strategic Plan (STI Plan). The draft STI Plan is posted for public comment. A link to the Federal Register Notice and the draft STI Plan are posted on hhs.gov/STI. Comments must be submitted electronically to STDPlan@hhs.gov no later than 5:00 p.m., ET on October 1, 2020, to be considered.


Hepatitis Elimination Projects in the United States. Updated March 12, 2020.

Mapping Hepatitis Elimination in Action

Explore hepatitis elimination projects and submit your own!


Learn About Viral Hepatitis

Get basic information about hepatitis A, B and C, find tools to help you assess your risk and take action, and review hepatitis trends in the U.S.

Action Plan

Read about the U.S. national Viral Hepatitis Action Plan, the federal agencies involved, and highlights of progress.

Policies and Guidelines

Explore key issues and policies in the national response to viral hepatitis.

Get Involved

Find information, tools, and training you can use to help win the battle against viral hepatitis.



Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed on October 29, 2020