Data Science CoLab FAQ

How is the CoLab structured?

There are two virtual modules available. One module is an Introduction to R and Visualization (2 weeks). While no prerequisites are required, people with some experience working with data are best suited for this program. The other module is Machine Learning and Text Mining in R (6 weeks). Applicants should be comfortable using R, Python, or similar tools to manipulate data and must know how to create basic visualizations. Applicants may apply for one or both modules.

Where will the learning cohort be held?

The Fall 2020 cohort will be held virtually.

What is the commitment level for the learning cohort?

The learning cohorts will require regular commitment. The Introduction to R and Visualization module is up to 16 work hours per week over two weeks. The Machine Learning and Text Mining in R module is up to 16 work hours per week over six weeks.

Who will be teaching data science?

The Data Science CoLab will bring in outside experts to provide high quality instruction.

What is the cost of joining the CoLab?

Participation in the CoLab will be fully sponsored by HHS.

Do I need my manager's approval to join the CoLab?

Yes, it is important that managers understand the time commitment involved. Moreover, managers should be a part of the community and consider leveraging the CoLab to build workforce capacity.

Can I attend if I am a Federal contractor?

Yes, Federal contractors are welcome to apply!

What is the capstone project?

The capstone is a project defined by you. You will work on the capstone during the CoLab experience. You will use your new data science skills on a real-world dataset of your choice to deliver value for HHS.


Content created by Office of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Content last reviewed on July 23, 2020