ACTIV Collaborative Business Development

Create an online platform to encourage greater diversity of translational and clinical innovations

Executive Summary

It is critical to efficiently commercialize all available R&Ds originated from NIH funding across our country, but many innovative NIH awardees outside the major biotech hubs experience systematic disadvantages to attract the essential corporate partnerships and investments. By forging an alliance among NIH awardees with an online business development platform to collaboratively engage corporate partners/investors and promote commercialization, we hope to enhance HHS support for translational and clinical innovations. To forge among NIH awardees an “Advanced Clinical and Translational Innovation Ventures (ACTIV)” alliance and create an online collaborative business development platform, enabling a searchable catalog for ACTIV partnerships/investments, collaborative partner/investor engagement/networking, and pitch competitions to market promising start-ups/ventures to corporate partners/investors.

Team Members

Timothy Hsiao (Team Lead), NIH / NCATS / DCI
Olga Brazhnik, NIH / NCATS / DCI


August 2017: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
September 2017: Time in Accelerator Began
December 2017: Time in Accelerator Ended