A Novel Rapid Reporting & Response Tool to Prevent Opioid Overdose

Preventing opioid overdose in real-time

Executive Summary

The Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (W/B HIDTA) built ODMAP, a surveillance tool that reports suspected overdoses in real time. ODMAP’s surveillance includes an automated, early warning system, alerting public health officials and first responders to a new spike in overdoses as it is unfolding. We seek to integrate ODMAP with regional and local EMS and dispatch systems to supplement data entered by first responders. These analytical resources will allow ODMAP to achieve its full overdose prevention potential, monitoring data in real time across jurisdictions. We also seek to integrate these systems with real-time alerts of ongoing overdose spikes.

Team Members

Aleta Christensen (Team Lead), CDC / NCIPC
Jeff Beeson, W/B HIDTA
Jack Cibor, W/B HIDTA


August 2017: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
September 2017: Time in Accelerator Began
December 2017: Time in Accelerator Ended