Show me the Money

Streamlining and tracking the grant making process

Executive Summary

The BHW makes over 1,400 awards per year worth over $800 million to support the health care workforce. Grant award-making process has more than 20 steps ; yet, the overall process is tracked manually. Staff and Managers cannot easily see the status of awards across the grant award-making process, which makes it harder to proactively manage. We would like to develop a prototype dashboard to actively track the process.

Team Members

Ken Ambrose (Team Lead), HRSA / BHW
Gail Lipton, HRSA / BHW
Melissa Moore, HRSA / BHW
Vipin Sethi, HRSA / BHW
Kourtney Thomas, HRSA / BHW


August 2017: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
September 2017: Time in Accelerator Began
December 2017: Time in Accelerator Ended