Streamlining Poverty Programs

Developing a toolkit to streamline and link human services systems and funding streams

Executive Summary

Thirteen federal agencies run more than 80 federal programs that provide food, housing, health care, job training, education, energy assistance, and cash to low-income Americans. These programs often lack coordination and have different regulatory requirements, causing inefficacies in their delivery on the state and local level. HHS and specifically ACF house many of these programs and our agency and OPDIV can lead the way for streamlining services and working with states to design systems look at families holistically and create no wrong door of entry. Specifically, we will develop a toolkit for working with States to streamline systems to align and link systems and funding streams.

Team Members

Erica Fleishcher (Team Lead), ACF / ORO
Christine Quinn, Department of Labor / E&T


August 2017: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
September 2017: Time in Accelerator Began
December 2017: Time in Accelerator Ended