The Federal HR Wiki: Optimizing Human Resources Management

Crowd-sourcing institutional knowledge about federal human resources

Executive Summary

Imagine this – a go-to member of your organization retired, you’ve hired a new staff member to take over their responsibilities, but the retiree and new employee never had the opportunity to connect face-to-face. In the absence of a mind-meld, how do you make the expert’s knowledge easily accessible to newer team members?

This is becoming an increasingly important problem as many in the baby boomer generation are becoming retirement eligible. The Strategic Initiatives Group at the National Institutes of Health, Office of Human Resources was confronted with the specific challenge of how to transfer complicated programs to new owners with no familiarity, so we decided to build a tool to solve this problem – a Wiki. Our Wiki provides a simple, yet comprehensive technical solution for the age-old problem of capturing institutional knowledge before the people who hold it leave an organization.

If you are a federal HR professional in the Department of Health and Human Services, we would like to engage with you! Send us an e-mail at!

A project supported by the: HHS Secretary's Ventures Fund

Team Members

Kelley Timpa (Project Lead), NIH
Matt Gieseke, NIH
Leslie Cothran, NIH
John Grill, ASA
Andrea Yohe, NIH
Sarah Debel, NIH


March 2016: Project receives support from the HHS Secretary's Ventures Fund

June 2017: Support from HHS Secretary's Ventures Fund ends

July 2017: Hit 800+ users on the Wiki

Project Sponsor

Julie Berko, Acting Director, Office of Human Resources, National Institutes of Health

Christine M. Major, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Chief Human Capital Officer, HHS

Darla Hayes, Acting Deputy Director, Office of Human Resource, National Institutes of Health