Using GIS Applications to Allocate International Mail Facility Resources to Combat the Opioid Crisis

Optimizing employees and capacity at international mail facilities to better address the opioid epidemic.

Executive Summary

The ORA Import Program currently allocates resources to conduct field operations and investigations on all FDA regulated imported products based on the amount of work accomplished in previous fiscal years and the current number of employees. Despite the increase in Import FTEs to combat the opioid crisis, no comprehensive forecasting has been developed to effectively address the workforce resources and the geographic distribution of the IMFs. The lack of a comprehensive tool to evaluate where best to allocate resources may prevent ORA from optimizing the placement of the new FTEs.

Team Members

Veronica Soileu (team lead), FDA
Alexis Novoa, FDA
Lacreisha Ejike-King, FDA


October 2018: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
March 2019: Time in Accelerator Began
June 2019: Time in Accelerator Ended