Office of the Secretary (OS) SORNs

Return to HHS System of Records Notices (SORNs)

Note that many OS SORNs are department-wide.

*83 FR 6591 (2/14/18) added two security-related routine uses required by OMB in January 2017.

  • OS Exempt Systems: 09-90-0002, 09-90-0003, 09-90-0020, 09-90-0052, 09-90-0100, 09-90-1701, 09-37-0021

I. OS Systems that Include Records About Members of the Public

Office of Inspector General (OIG)

Office of the General Counsel (OGC)

Departmental Appeals Board (DAB)

  • 09-90-0048 Medicare Appeals Council Records
    SORN history: 71 FR 11206 (3/6/06), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18) 
  • 09-90-0049 Departmental Appeals Board Case and Appeal Records
    SORN history: 71 FR 11204 (3/6/06), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)

Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA)

  • 09-90-1501 Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Working File, Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA)
    SORN history: 80 FR 63562 (10/20/15), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)

Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA)

  • 09-90-0005 Safety Management Information System (HHS Accident, Injury, and Illness Reporting System)
    SORN history: 47 FR 45514 (10/13/82); updated 59 FR 55845 (11/9/94), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-90-0059 Federal Advisory Committee Membership Files
    SORN history: 47 FR 45514 (10/13/82); updated 59 FR 55845 (11/9/94), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-90-0777 Facility and Resource Access Control Records
    SORN history: 75 FR 47812 (8/9/10), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-40-0012 Debt Management and Collection System
    SORN history:  63 FR 68596 (12/11/98); updated 80 FR 67767 (11/3/15), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-90-2102 Accommodation Records About HHS Civilian Employees, Contractors, and Visitors
    SORN history: 86 FR 68262 (12/1/21)

Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR)

  • 09-90-0024 HHS Financial Management System Records
    SORN history: 80 FR 67767 (11/3/15), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-90-0025 Central Registry of Individuals Doing Business with HHS
    SORN history: 47 FR 45514 (10/13/82); updated 59 FR 55845 (11/9/94), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-90-0411 HHS Consolidated Acquisition Solution (HCAS)
    SORN history: 76 FR 21902 (4/19/11), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH)

  • 09-37-0020 Office of Minority Health Grants Records System
    SORN history: 52 FR 37663 (10/8/87); updated 56 FR 1232 (1/11/91), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-37-0024 Studies of Preventive Medicine, Health Promotion, and Disease Prevention
    SORN history: 60 FR 1788 (1/5/95), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-37-0151 Public Health Service ALERT Records Concerning Individuals Found to Have Committed Scientific Misconduct in PHS Sponsored Research
    SORN history: 59 FR 25953 (5/18/94), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18) 
  • 09-90-0160 Medical Reserve Corps Unit Information
    SORN history: 71 FR 37937 (7/3/06), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-90-1202 Think Cultural Health
    SORN history: 77 FR 68123 (11/15/12), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-90-2002 COVID-19 Insights Collaboration Records
    SORN history: 85 FR 43243 (7/16/20)

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA)

  • 09-90-0058 Tracking Records and Case Files for FOIA and Privacy Act Requests and Appeals
    SORN history: 81 FR 17463 (3/29/16), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)

  • 09-90-0039 National Disaster Claims Processing System
    SORN history: 66 FR 44347 (8/23/01), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-90-0040 National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Disaster Medical Information Suite (DMIS)
    SORN history: 78 FR 78959 (12/27/13), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)


  • 09-90-0067 Invention, Patent, and Licensing Documents Related to Inventions By Public Health Service Employees, Grantees, Fellowship Recipients, and Contractors SORN history: 85 FR 2747 (1/16/20)
  • 09-90-1201 ONC Health IT Dashboard [to be rescinded; program ended 2014; records retrieved by personal identifier (NPI) no longer exist]
    SORN history: 76 FR 79685  (12/22/11), *83 FR 6591 (2/14/18)
  • 09-90-1401 Records About Restricted Dataset Requesters
    SORN history: 83 FR 11213 (3/14/18)
  • 09-90-1601 Outside Experts Recruited for Non-FACA Activities
    SORN history: 84 FR 21344 (5/14/19)
  • 09-90-1901 HHS Correspondence, Comment, Customer Service, and Contact List Records
    SORN history: 86 FR 12699 (3/4/21)
  • 09-90-2001 Records Used for Surveillance and Study of Epidemics, Preventable Diseases and Problems
    SORN history: 85 FR 43859 (7/20/20)

II. OS Administrative/Personnel Systems

Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA)

Office of the General Counsel (OGC)

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Content last reviewed