OHRP: What is Human Subjects Research? Part 2: What Investigators Should Know About IRB Review


This two-part session explains how to prepare a research proposal that addresses the regulatory requirements for review including the requirements for informed consent and helps investigators understand their responsibilities with respect to IRB review and protections of human research participants.

Watch: OHRP: What is Human Subjects Research? Part 2: What Investigators Should Know About IRB Review (1:46:22)

IRB Review Criteria (12:43)


This video, produced in 1986 by the National Library of Medicine, depicts an Institutional Review Board (IRB) in action and explains the IRB review criteria. (October 25, 2017)

Note: This video was created before the 2018 revisions of the Common Rule and may include information that is not up to date.

Watch: IRB Review Criteria

Part 2 – Balancing Society’s Mandates: I.R.B. Review Criteria (34:17)


This video is part of a series produced in 1986 by the National Library of Medicine. It depicts an Institutional Review Board (IRB) in action. Narrated by Dr. Edmund Pellegrino of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, it explains the IRB review process and criteria, and why IRBs sometimes seek clarification and information from researchers. (Oct 25, 2017)

Note: This video was created before the 2018 revisions of the Common Rule and may include information that is not up to date.

Watch: Part 2 – Balancing Society’s Mandates: I.R.B. Review Criteria

Quorum and Voting in IRB Meetings (22:16)


This webinar from the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) discusses the regulatory requirements for quorum and voting in convened IRB meetings. It explains the requirements and provides examples to help viewers think through applying the regulations. (Oct 18, 2017)

Watch: Quorum and Voting in IRB Meetings

Membership Requirements for Institutional Review Boards (IRB) (13:01)


This webinar from the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) discusses the HHS regulations and policies related to IRB membership requirements. It explains the requirements and provides examples to help viewers think through applying the regulations. (April 28, 2017)

Watch: Membership Requirements for Institutional Review Boards (IRB)

What You Should Know About IRB Review of Research (54:54)


OHRP's Jaime Hernandez discusses the structure and roles of IRBs. He presents the regulatory criteria for IRB approval of research to help investigators understand what it takes to submit a successful research protocol. (Presented at the Trinity Health 2016 Virtual Research Summit, Apr 14, 2016.)

Note: This video was created before the 2018 revisions of the Common Rule and may include information that is not up to date.

Watch: What You Should Know About IRB Review of Research

When the Assurance Comes A Knockin': OHRP's FWA and IRB Registration Processes (31:47)


OHRP's Irene Stith-Coleman discusses the requirements and process for registering IRBs and obtaining Federalwide Assurances (FWAs) under the HHS regulations at 45 CFR part 46. This video is for those new to human subjects protection and those seeking to refresh their understanding of the requirements. (Mar 28, 2013)

Note: This video was created before the 2018 revisions of the Common Rule and may include information that is not up to date.

Watch: When the Assurance Comes A Knockin': OHRP's FWA and IRB Registration Processes

IRB Records, Part I (05:57)


This video shows fictional characters learning about the IRB records requirements described at 45 CFR part 46. The fictional institution hired a consultant to evaluate its human subjects protections program, who made several observations regarding their compliance with the regulations.(Sep 21, 2010)

Note: This video was created before the 2018 revisions of the Common Rule and may include information that is not up to date.

Watch: IRB Records, part I

IRB Records, Part II (13:50)


In this dramatization, the fictional characters meet to review the deficiencies observed in and requirements related to the IRB's meeting minutes and other IRB records. (Sep 21, 2010)


Note: This video was created before the 2018 revisions of the Common Rule and may include information that is not up to date.

Watch: IRB Records, part II

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Membership (16:04)


In this dramatization, a Signatory Official meets with her staff to discuss establishing an IRB for their institution. The Human Subjects Protections Administrator provides guidance regarding a broad range of topics including IRB membership, quorum requirements, written procedures, and other important information. (Jul 5, 2010)

Note: This video was created before the 2018 revisions of the Common Rule and may include information that is not up to date.

Watch: Institutional Review Board (IRB) Membership