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Save the Date! September 17th is Our Next Demo Day.

In a few weeks, we're hosting our next Demo Day at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), featuring an introduction into innovation with the HHS IDEA Lab and a series of rapid-fire presentations from the teams currently being supported by the Summer 2015 HHS Ignite Accelerator

In a few weeks, we're hosting our next Demo Day at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), featuring an introduction into innovation with the HHS IDEA Lab and a series of rapid-fire presentations from the teams currently being supported by the Summer 2015 HHS Ignite Accelerator. More details to come (check out the event webpage linked at the bottom), but we wanted to let you know now so you can save the date! We'll be streaming it all online, but join us in-person for the full experience!

HHS IDEA Lab Demo Day

Thursday, September 17, 2015 Hubert H Humphrey Building | Washington, DC

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9:30am EST: An Introduction to Innovation @ HHS 11am EST: Lightning Talks from the 11 teams in the HHS Ignite Accelerator

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If the idea of a "Demo Day" at HHS sounds familiar, it's because we've done a few of these in the past. We also called the presentations "Shark Tank" pitches. This is the same event. We're just revamping to a faster, friendlier format (and because sharks are scary to some of us).

This is the big day for teams that are in our Ignite Accelerator. The 11 Ignite teams in this Round, our Summer 2015 Accelerator, are going to present about their projects during 4 minute Lightning talks. Over the last 3 months, the teams have been exploring problem areas they had originally identified by interviewing customers, prototyping solutions, and beta-testing their ideas in a way that builds the case for further investment - either in time or money - from Senior Leadership.

Can't wait to see you there!

Questions? Thoughts? Email us at idealab@hhs.gov or tweet to @HHSIDEALab.

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Health IT